Page 66 - Prep School Parent Handbook 2018-2019
P. 66

C O - C U R R I C U L A R
sport and sports Days
A broad and balanced programme of physical education is offered that is tailored to meet each girl’s needs.
Our goal is for every child to find enjoyment through physical activity gaining a good level of fitness and a real sense of achievement. In the Early Years and KS1, children develop confidence and co-ordination through dance, gymnastics, ball skills, cricket, athletic activities and games. Swimming lessons begin in Year 1. Key Stage 2 lessons consist of netball, hockey, tennis, rounders, athletics, swimming, dance and gymnastics.
All pupils also take part in house matches in netball, hockey, swimming and rounders.
Links with the Senior School are excellent. Girls have games and swimming sessions at the Senior School using the extensive facilities on offer. We also draw on the skills of Senior School staff who enhance the Prep School curriculum with their expertise.
Pupils are encouraged to represent the School from the age of seven. The opportunity for excellence is also achieved by entering national competitions in fencing, tennis, swimming, athletics, cross country, netball, biathlon and hockey. Our pupils have representative honours at county, regional and national level. School matches normally take place after school and occasionally at the weekend.
Sports Days are held towards the end of the Summer Term at the Senior School. The Early Years Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 Sports Days take place at the Prep School.

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