Page 7 - Updated - Annual Report 2023 (8.5 x 11 in)
P. 7


                             & BOARD PRESIDENT

    Warm greetings to every member of our incredible Jack & Jill Center
    community. It brings us great joy and a profound sense of gratitude to pen
    this annual report letter. This past year has been a journey marked by
    resilience, dedication, and the unwavering commitment of our community
    to the well-being and growth of every child and family we serve. In the
    realm of education, our programs have continued to thrive and evolve,
    thanks to the hard work of our educators, volunteers, and the support of
    our community partners. In the ever-evolving landscape of education,
    we've continuously refined our teaching methods, introducing new
    resources, and innovative learning tools to ensure that every child has
    access to quality education. The commitment and determination exhibited
    by our students, coupled with the passion demonstrated by our teaching
    staff, have been truly inspiring.

    Family support has been at the forefront of our mission, and this year,
    more than ever, we have seen the transformative impact of our programs
    on the lives of families. From support services to workshops promoting
    healthy family dynamics, we have strived to create a nurturing environment
    where families can flourish. The challenges faced by many families have
    been met with compassion and understanding, and our support services
    have played a crucial role in helping them navigate through difficult times.

    Our commitment to holistic well-being has extended to health programs
    that aim to foster physical and mental wellness. The health initiatives
    implemented this year have empowered our community with the knowledge
    and resources needed to lead healthier lives. We have worked tirelessly to
    promote a culture of well-being that extends beyond the individual to
    encompass the entire community.

    None of our achievements would be possible without the collaborative
    spirit and dedication of our community. We extend our deepest gratitude
    to our volunteers, donors, staff, and board members for their tireless
    efforts and unwavering support. Your commitment has been the driving
    force behind every success and milestone we've achieved this past year.

       Heather Siskind, CEO                              Scott MacLaren, Board President

      2023-24 Officers                       2023-24 Board of Directors

      President                              Alé Arnold                David Herman              Neki Mohan
      Scott MacLaren                         Ray Berry                 Christine Jolley          Kate Murphy Voltz
      Vice President                         Pat Damoorgian            Robert Lochrie            Lily Pardo
      Susan Cameron                          Denise Day                Elizabeth Lowsky          Angie Parker
                                                                       Bruce March
                                             Justin DuVernois
                                                                                                 Tim Petrillo
      Secretary                              Robert Given              Greg Martin               Caitlin Stella
      Jeffery Klink                          Julious Grant             Sigrid McCawley           Casey Swercheck
      Treasurer                              Steve Halmos              Pat McKay                 Stephanie Toothaker
      Ann Payne                              Bill Hawk                 Tom McManus                                     3
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