Page 15 - 2022 Annual Report
P. 15

$5,000 - $9,999 continued...         $1,000 - $4,999 continued...         $1,000 - $4,999 continued...
       Maureen and Jeff Miller              Jan and James Cummings               Andrew Meshbane
       Elizabeth and Daniel O'Connor        Kim Curry and Thomas Pennavaria      Ann Marie and Harry Moon
       Abigail and Chris Pendrak            C. Davis Electric                    Allison and Chad Muney
       Nancy and Barrie Peterson            Denise and Erik Day                  Murphy Property Group
       PNC Bank                             Gary DePreta                         Kate and Charles Voltz
       ProMedia                             Dollar General Literacy Foundation   The Karen and Alan Nadel Family
       Ramge Family                         Frank Dolph III                      Charitable Fund of Vanguard
       Samantha and Sean Riley              Laurie and Chuck Ermer               Northern Trust Company
       SouthState Bank                      Stephen Ferrante                     Northwestern Mutual - The South
       Susan Stanley                        Florida Atlantic University             Florida Group
       Nancy and James Swift                Flynn Engineering Services, P.A.     Jeannie and Michael O’Neill
       Templeton & Company, LLP             Stacey and Brad Friedman             Sharon and Thomas Olesiewicz
       Wadsworth Family Foundation          G & F Equipment Rental, Inc.         Marisa and Benjamin Olive
       Willenborg Wealth Management         Sarah and Rick Gardella              Angie and Wesley Parker
          of Raymond James                  Mari and John Gasperino              Patti and Scott Parker
       WSVN-TV                              Jayne and Philip Molson              Sher and Lee Patterson
       Andrew L. Wurtele Fund of the        General Caulking and Coating         Mark Peterson
          Community Foundation of Broward      Company, Inc.                     Sheryl Maher and Blaine Phillips
                                            Jason Glenn                          Phoenix Painting Company
                                            Laura and Scott Godoy                PMG Florida
                                            Elizabeth Hendricks                  Professional Bank
       Gifts of $1,000 - $4,999             Herman Construction Services         Debra and Bronson Reed
       The Abbate Family                    Patricia and Michael Hill            Region's Bank
       Ally Financial Corporate Citizenship  Rebecca and Matt Hill               Elizabeth and Scott Roberts
       Alterna Equity Partners              Hollander Brothers Foundation        Marcelle and Andrew Rosen
       Judy and Jim Ambrose                 Patricia Hommes                      Ralph L. Rossi and June M. Rossi
       Angela and William Amorosi           Humana                                  Charitable Foundation
       Anonymous                            Icon International, Inc.             Kimberly and Jose Ruggero
       Jocelyn and David Arch               Miles and Christina Jolley           Kayla and Michael Russell
       Aris Insurance Group                 Christopher G. Kelly                 RV Retailer, LLC
       The Arnold Family                    Victoria C. Kirby                    Suzanne and Charles Sabadash III
       ATG Title                            Susie and George Knapp III           Martin A. Segal Fund of the
       Joseph Balocco Jr                    Brett Koenig & Sydney Stelter           Community Foundation of Broward
       Sally and Brian Beach                Allyson and Robert Kozich            Christina and Ryan Shea
       Virginie and Eugenio Beaufrand       Krupnick Campbell Malone Buser       Heather and Jerry Siskind
       Karen and Greg Bellows               Slama Hancock Liberman Fund of the Joe Sonken Charitable Trust
       Berger Singerman, P.A.                  Community Foundation of Broward Charles Stanley
       The Biegelsen Foundation, Inc.       Lauderdale Yacht Club                Todd and Dulce Stephens
       Jeffrey Brunell                      Diane Leighton                       Azey and Molly Stephens
       Connie and Andrew Caldwell           Alan Joseph Levy Memorial            Jennifer and Casey Swercheck
       Liz and Daniel Caldwell              Scholarship Fund of the Community    Target
       Anna and Mark Carpenter                 Foundation of Broward             Lyda Tesauro
       Michael and Linda Carter             Marsha Levy                          Lynn and William Tesauro
       The Chappell Group, Inc.             Marta and Jeff Liroff                Stephanie Toothaker
       Clark & Muney PLLC                   Karen Lombardo                       UBACK Construction, LLC
       Karen and Mike Columbus              Elizabeth and Steve Lowsky           Universal Engineering Sciences
       Ann and Jim Connelly                 Lonnie and Dan Maier                 Veterans Security Corps of
       Peter Cooper Charitable Foundation   Donovan Malone                          America, Inc.
          Fund of the Community             Monica and Michael Maroone           Linda and Mark Wilford
          Foundation of Broward             Catherine and Gregory Martin         Lou and May Jean Wolff Family
       Coral Ridge Country Club             Joseph M. Maus                          Foundation Fund of the
       CoreLogic                            Susan and Matt McIntosh                 Community Foundation of Broward
       Jean and Greg Correll                Jo Ann and Donald Medalie            Jessica Woodhouse

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