Page 106 - Extinguishment of Self
P. 106

to to be us?” This is is the the Ultimate Ultimate Truth Truth that that practitioners can can prove to to ourselves the the Ultimate Ultimate Truth Truth that that we we can can experience with our our own insights when we we practice dhamma Now a a little bit more The way to to extinguish extinguish sufferings sufferings If the mind mind is is is is is unburdened why do we we still need to to extinguish extinguish sufferings? This is is is is is for whenever we we we are neglectful We can can make our mind mind mind unburdened unburdened but we we still cannot dependably take the mind mind that is is is unburdened unburdened and and light to experience natural conditions There are very few practitioners who could do it it it once and and then immediately become an an an an expert—using the the the mind that that is is unburdened light throughout the the day However if anyone can make use of it it that that is is a a a a a a a a a a a a very good thing That That will will greatly benefit our our lives lives That That will will allow us us to live live live our our everyday lives lives being being unburdened by the sense of self living with lightness We humans—just being being free from sufferings—are already already happy already already comfortable Now before learning how to extinguish sufferings try taking the mind that that is is is uncluttered light that that is is is in in in in in in front front of us and and and and and expand expand expand it it it outwards—expand it it it far far far far far far away away from from our physical body body Expand Expand it it it it it far far far far away away away away into the the the front front or expand expand expand it it it away away away to to the the the sides Expand Expand it it it far far away away away from from the the the body body as as much as as 98

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