Page 11 - Extinguishment of Self
P. 11

the the urge urge urge to to to to be unburdened instantaneously the the urge urge urge to to to to stop thinking right now When things are are not according to to to to to to our urges we we we feel that we we we we are are unable (to meditate) But at at at at the the same time we we we we forget to to to contemplate how we we can make the the mind serene Be mindful mindful in in in in the the the the present present Do not be be concerned Make the the the the mind mind mind comfortable Have the the the the mindfulness be be in in in in in the the the the present present present present only “The present present present natural natural condition”—as I have always said: Our present present present natural natural natural conditions are are are not not just just our breathing are are are not not just just the the inflate- deflate phenomenon Thoughts are are are also also also the the the present present natural natural natural condition condition condition sounds can can also also also be be the the the the present present present natural natural natural condition condition condition sensations can can also also also be be be the the the the the present present natural natural condition condition the the the the the state of mind that that that feels feels feels gloomy that that that that feels feels feels heavy that that that that feels feels feels uncomfortable—they can also be be the the the the present present natural natural condition Matters that that that that are are really occurring matters that that the the the mind currently perceives—these are are the the the present present natural natural conditions conditions Therefore in in in our our dhamma practice we should make our our mindfulness be be aware aware aware aware of of of of the present natural conditions conditions Be Be aware aware aware aware of of of of what specifically? Be Be aware aware aware aware aware of of of of of changes be be be aware aware aware aware aware of of of of of emergence- emergence- existence-cessation existence-cessation be be aware aware aware of of of emergence-existence-cessation But when we we we first started to practice dhamma we we we may feel that we we we 3

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