Page 12 - Extinguishment of Self
P. 12

cannot be promptly aware when when the the the the phenomena emerge—they emerged during the the the the day Now when when we close our eyes the the the the sense of discomfort discomfort still exists as an an opaque lump It takes us a a a a a a a long time to extinguish this this discomfort discomfort discomfort If we could close our eyes and this this sense of discomfort discomfort immediately disappears that would be be be good as we we we we we we have been bearing it for for a a a a a a a a a a a long time But if we we we we we we close our eyes and we we we we we we we still still still still feel feel feel feel feel heavy we we we we we we we still still still still feel feel feel feel feel anxious we we we we we we we still still still still feel feel feel feel feel flustered we we we we we we we still still still still feel feel feel feel feel uncomfortable—then we we we we we we feel feel feel feel feel that it it is is is difficult to endure This here is is is a a a a a a very common natural condition So what do do we we do?
Let us review this: The way to unburden our mind is is through our our our careful observation Normally when there are are negative natural conditions impacting us we can feel feel feel feel straightaway how our our mind is— For examples it it it it it feels feels feels heavy it it it it it feels feels feels stifled it it it it it feels feels feels uncomfortable We We can sense these these feelings feelings immediately sometimes even without practicing dhamma We We do not know how to term (these feelings) but we we we we can sense that we we we we feel feel feel feel feel stifled we we we we feel feel feel feel feel heavy we we we we feel feel feel feel feel uncomfortable These here are real real natural conditions real real feelings that emerge This is is what we we we must comprehend However when we we we are are instructed to make our mind unburdened practitioners are are worried

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