Page 117 - Extinguishment of Self
P. 117

do to strengthen our our mind? Make the the the the mind mind mind more expansive than the the the the the physical body carefully maintain our our our mindfulness then then raise our our stillness Expand the the the the the mind mind broader broader broader broader if we need to continue addressing the the the the matters the the the the thoughts or those natural conditions—this is is is what we we we should do Once we we we are still the the the the mind that that is is is uncluttered light serene serene will will become become more powerful When the the the the serene serene serene mind mind strengthens and and and and expands it will will will become become the the the the sense that that is is serene serene light and and and and the the the mindfulness and and and and clear comprehension will will be be robust as well When I said initially that that a a a a a a a a a a a a a mind mind that that is is unburdened light can experience natural conditions—now contemplate further: Just now now now now we we we think (about matters) then sensations sensations emerge Now we we we know know how how to to to to extinguish extinguish mental sensations sensations we we we know know how how to to to to extinguish extinguish sufferings—try to to to to think think think about about that same matter matter again The way to to to to think think think without sufferings sufferings is: When we think think think about about a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a matter matter place the the the mind mind that that is is unburdened and and light there and and make the the the the the mind mind more expansive than the the the the the matter that that that we are thinking about Send out out the the the the the mind mind that that that is uncluttered light serene with good mindfulness to to the the the the matter matter matter that that that that we we are thinking about—do not drag the the the the matter matter matter into our body Take the the the mind that that that is unburdened light to to the the the matter matter matter that that that we we 109

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