Page 126 - Extinguishment of Self
P. 126

When we think about matters matters that that cause sufferings take the the mind mind that that that is unburdened light to those matters—make the the the the mind mind mind more expansive expansive than than the the the the matters matters that that that we are thinking about make make the the the the mind mind more expansive expansive than than the the the natural natural conditions that that that currently exist We can use this method even if that that that natural natural condition condition is is is is a a a a a a a a a a a a a a sound sound Take the the the the mind that that that is is is unburdened light to the the the the sound sound sound sound and make it it more expansive than the the the the the sound—Observe whether that that sound sound sound could impact the the the the the mind mind causing sufferings to emerge This principle can be used used with with every every natural natural condition condition Whenever the the the mind mind is is is is free from the the the sense of self it it it it it it should be used used with with with every every natural natural condition condition This is is is is what I I wish wish to to to leave you with with Today we have spent an appropriate amount of time Therefore I I wish wish to to to stop here here May all practitioners and everyone else progress in in dhamma Blessings We have made merits—starting with the the the undertaking (samadana) of the the the Five Precepts then listening to to dhamma sermons Next we we we should should prepare our our body and our our mind to to share share loving- loving- kindness kindness Every time before we we we we share share loving-kindness we we we we should should think of the the the the the merits that we we we have undertaken then humbly take take them into our mind until until until it it is is full—until the the the the the whole body is is full full until until until they

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