Page 124 - Extinguishment of Self
P. 124

those matters as as us us as as ours—hence sufferings emerge When we expand our our mind broadly the sense of “us” disappears so painful sensations cease As for those matters that arise—once we we have extinguished sufferings—we can then contemplate how how how they are how how how to to resolve them how how how to to progress further It is is is not not that we we we should should not not think about those matters matters but we we we should should extinguish sufferings first then we we can contemplate the the matters matters Today I talk about the way to to extinguish sufferings—we should all take this to to use in in in our everyday lives for its its full benefits Do it it it repeatedly frequently until we become experts—experts in in in in in in the the extinguishment extinguishment of of sufferings sufferings who are scarce Try to make ourselves experts in in in in in in in the the the extinguishment extinguishment of of sufferings—see how good it is is is is for our our lives Today I I talk about the the the the way to to extinguish extinguish sufferings sufferings sufferings according to to the the the the characteristics of those sufferings sufferings sufferings If the the the the sufferings sufferings sufferings are heavy and permeate throughout our our body body then make our our our mind mind more expansive than the the the the body body Broaden the the the the mind—whether sideways upwards or or or frontwards or or or piercing through our our back Make the the the the mind mind expansive then those sufferings sufferings will cease However if the the the the sufferings sufferings that that emerge are weak we we we can send the the the the mind mind that that is free

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