Page 137 - Extinguishment of Self
P. 137

eyes and and the the the thoughts thoughts about this and and that matter arise—then we have the the the the intention to use use those thoughts thoughts thoughts as as as our subjects subjects of of meditation meditation The phrase “use the the the thoughts thoughts thoughts as as as subjects subjects of of meditation” means having the the intention like this When thoughts thoughts thoughts arise compose our mind and become an an an observer—observe that when thoughts thoughts emerge how how do they they they cease cease cease Emerge and and how how how how they they they cease cease cease Having the the the the intention to experience how how how (natural conditions) emerge and and how how how they they they cease cease cease is is is is extremely important And it it it is is is is the the the the question that practitioners must seek the the the the the answer to This is is is is is because by nature they emerge and cease—that is is is the the the the the the Law of the the the the the the Trilaksana Whenever practitioners pay attention to how how thoughts thoughts emerge emerge and how how they cease cease then we can experience the the the emergence-cessation phenomenon of thoughts thoughts more easily Sometimes we we do not experience experience experience cessation but we we experience experience experience emergence We experience experience experience that it begins begins to to emerge emerge emerge emerge emerge emerge begins begins to to emerge emerge emerge emerge emerge emerge emerge emerges emerges emerges then emerges emerges emerges anew anew emerges emerges emerges anew anew We should be be more promptly aware of emergence—if we we clearly experience experience emergence emergence then we we will soon experience experience cessation Experience clearly—when it it emerges how it it ceases How long

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