Page 139 - Extinguishment of Self
P. 139

Now going back to what I have said in in in the the previous session— When thoughts thoughts emerge we can make the the the mind mind mind unburdened unburdened Take the the the unburdened unburdened mind mind mind to experience thoughts thoughts The mind mind mind that that is uncluttered light—make it it more expansive than the the the matters that that we think about There are two things: In addition to experiencing the the emergence-cessation phenomenon when thoughts emerge emerge have the the the intention to to think think or or be be contented to to think think Make the the the sense that that is is uncluttered light be be more expansive than the the the the the matters that that that we are are thinking about then then think think think think If the the the the thoughts that that arise are are important and we we need to think think think think then then we we should think think think think straight away Contemplate expansively Another thing is: Sometimes the the the the thoughts emerge emerge and there are consequences That is is mental sensations also emerge emerge emerge Sometimes practitioners feel that thoughts thoughts emerge—as though though though we are are are faraway the the the thoughts thoughts and us are are are already separate—how come there are are are still sensations? Here we arrive at at at the the the the way way to extinguish sufferings sufferings During the the the the the previous Buddhist holy day I have already taught about the the the the way to extinguish extinguish sufferings—that is is is is is is extinguish extinguish the the the the feeling feeling of of disquiet disquiet Sufferings mean mean the the the feeling feeling of of physical physical discomfort discomfort or or or mental disquiet disquiet Physical sufferings mean mean physical physical discomfort discomfort 131

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