Page 200 - Extinguishment of Self
P. 200

whenever practitioners contemplate the the the the reality according to the the the the Ultimate Truth that truly happens—When the the the the the mind lets lets lets go go go there will will be clarity within the the the natural conditions When When it it it it it lets lets lets go go go it it it it it lets lets lets go go go distinctly not vaguely Therefore today we we we will will practice dhamma together As I have said before every time we we we we meditate we we we we should should make our our mind mind comfortable or or or we we we we should should elevate our our mind mind into an an an emptiness so that we we we can can experience clearly how how an an an an unburdened mind mind mind is is We can can inform ourselves how how how it is is when we we we elevate our our mind mind mind into into an an an an an emptiness emptiness If we we we experience clearly how how an an an an an unburdened mind mind mind mind is is elevating the mind mind mind into into an an an an an an emptiness emptiness can can be done easily However sometimes we we cannot tell how an an an an unburdened mind mind mind is—We only feel that that that it is is is is uncluttered uncluttered light light We We do not not know that that that the the mind mind that that that is is is is uncluttered uncluttered light light and more expansive than the the physical body is is is in in in fact an an unburdened mind As we we we have experienced before: When we we we separate the the physical physical and the the the the mental phenomena when we we we make our our mind mind more expansive than the the the physical physical body then our our our mind mind mind feels uncluttered airy airy light light unburdened comfortable comfortable If we we recall that our our mind mind had before been uncluttered airy airy light light comfortable comfortable when we we elevated

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