Page 245 - Extinguishment of Self
P. 245

natural natural condition? condition? How do we distance it it it from that natural natural condition? condition? This This is is is is is a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a very important practice for for our willful contemplation Why? This This is is is is because for for most people when a a a a a a a a a a a a natural condition impacts us us via our eyes ears nose tongue physical body or or mind mind sometimes the mind mind will act as per its its habits—clinging onto being being immersed within being being swept along by that that natural natural condition condition We cannot control or or direct our mind mind allowing that that that natural natural natural condition condition condition to be be more powerful than the mind mind mind Then that that natural natural condition condition will fabricate our mind mind mind pressing it it it until sufferings murkiness sadness emerge However if if the the the practitioners practitioners experience clearly clearly how the the the mind mind is and and if if the the the the practitioners practitioners clearly clearly realize that we we can control control and and direct our our mind—then it it will be easier for us to control control our mind mind The question is: “How do do we we do do it?” Practitioners should observe in in in in in this way I will teach slowly in in in in in sequence When we we can make our our mind mind mind unburdened unburdened try moving the the the unburdened unburdened mind mind mind to to our our hands hands “Can we we we move (the mind) to to the the the the the hands”—how do we we we observe observe this? While we we we position the the the the the the unburdened mind mind at at the the the the the the hands—observe how the the the the the the area around the the the the the the hands hands hands is is We feel that that the the the the hands hands hands are are empty light then we make that that sense of emptiness 237

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