Page 258 - Extinguishment of Self
P. 258

cessation of of of the the the the beating beating phenomenon phenomenon of of of the the the the heart heart How do they change from previously The beating beating phenomenon phenomenon of of of of the the the the the heart—if we term it it it according to the the the the natural condition of of of vipassana—it is called the the the the emergence-cessation phenomenon of of the the the the physical body that that emerges Therefore by elevating the the the mind into vipassana and contemplate in in in in this this way we also experience that that this this physical body emerges and ceases changes What is the the the importance of of the the the emergence-cessation phenomenon of of the the the the physical physical body? As I have said before when we contemplate the the the the physical physical phenomena that that change that that emerge- cease—here we are referring to the the the the the beating phenomenon phenomenon of the the the the the heart—when the the the the phenomenon phenomenon in in in the the the the middle ceases vanishes lightens evaporates—In reality if practitioners carefully observe it it it is is not just the the the the beating phenomenon of the the the the heart heart that that vanishes evaporates evaporates but we will sense that that that the the the the the area around the the the the the heart-base also also vanishes vanishes evaporates evaporates evaporates The shape the the the lumpiness of of that that part of of corporeality also also vanishes vanishes evaporates evaporates Sometimes what remains are are the the the the the the the areas around the the the the the the the arms the the the the the the the legs the the the the the the the face or or or or or the the the the the the the top of the the the the the the the head upwards for examples By experiencing the the the the the the the vanishing 250

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