Page 256 - Extinguishment of Self
P. 256

practitioners practitioners can immediately access that that level of of concentration or that that that state of of of serene contemplation (jhana) This makes practitioners practitioners gain expertise If we we can access that that level of of concentration when we we elevate our mind into vipassana to to to contemplate the the natural condition that emerges there will be continuation towards succeeding levels of of natural conditions (sabhava) That is is is is we we can proceed forward Why do do we we need to to contemplate contemplate in this way? This is is is is is is the usage of of our wisdom to to contemplate contemplate which is is is is is called “dhamma vicaya”—dhamma investigation the the the the willful contemplation of of the the the the natural conditions that that emerge The characteristics of of of the the the the the mind mind mind that that that that is is is is is is unburdened the the the the the mind mind mind that that that that is is is is is is is light the the the mind mind mind that that that that is is is is is is is happy—This is is is is is is is a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a kind kind of of of natural natural conditions conditions The physical body that that that that that sits here is is is is is also a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a kind kind of of natural natural conditions conditions that that that appears that that that emerges from the willful contemplation in this way By willfully contemplating along while listening to dhamma dhamma like this it it it is is is as as as though practitioners are are practicing dhamma dhamma as as as well We are are not just thinking As soon as as as we we sit down elevate our mind into an an an unburdeness—take the the unburdeness unburdeness and blanket our physical body then willfully contemplate natural conditions 248

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