Page 268 - Extinguishment of Self
P. 268

that that that person person person Sufferings will will be reduced for that that that person person person Anyone who humbly takes (dhamma) into into the the the the self into into the the the the mind that that that that person person person will will reap the the the the benefits This is is is paccattam—the thing that that practitioners can only only experience for ourselves It is is is is like a a a a a a a a a a a medicine no matter how magical magical it it it it it it is is it it it it it it only only benefits the person person who who uses it it it it it it A person person who who receives a a a a a a a a a magical magical medicine medicine but but lets it it it it it it it sit unused that that medicine medicine will will accrue accrue no no no benefits benefits to to that that that person Having something but but do not not use it it it that that thing thing will will not not accrue accrue any benefits benefits to to our our lives Therefore during a a a a a a a a a a a a Buddhist holy day day an an an an important day day in in in in our our religion we we come together to to practice dhamma dhamma And we we we can can humbly humbly think think of of merits and wholesomeness we we can can humbly humbly think think of of of dhamma dhamma the the the the the Teachings of of the the the the Buddha—Take them them into into our our our our heart take them them into into our our our our lives lives This will make our our our our mind serene serene and and tranquil tranquil our our our our lives lives serene serene and and tranquil tranquil going forward Today I I have performed dhamma sermons for for for for an an an an appropriate amount of time therefore I I wish to to stop here here May all practitioners and everyone else who are interested in in in in dhamma dhamma dhamma dhamma progress in in in in dhamma dhamma dhamma dhamma Blessings We have listened to dhamma dhamma dhamma dhamma sermons and diligently practiced dhamma—next let us prepare to send out loving-kindness 260

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