Page 267 - Extinguishment of Self
P. 267

duty is to ensure that the causes and conditions are favorable Here we will develop develop develop develop develop develop ourselves develop develop develop develop develop develop our our our our our physical body develop develop develop develop develop develop our our our our our mind develop develop develop develop develop develop our our our our our our our thoughts develop develop develop develop develop develop our our our our our our our knowledge—develop them together in in in our our our our everyday lives lives That will make our our our our lives lives serene happy tranquil goingforward Therefore weshouldreviewandhumbly take (these lessons) into our our mind mind for for for the the utmost benefits to to our our lives If we we can do do do that that we we will comprehend that that by having mindfulness concentration wisdom—what impact does it have on on on our mind mind We We will will appreciate the the the value the the the importance of dhamma—We will will not not need anyone to prove it for for us us us Dhamma and and the the the Ultimate Truth have existed for for for more than two thousand years—not because because of any one one person—but because because the the truth truth truth is is is is the the truth truth truth It exists for for everyone If a a a a a a a a person person person person humbly takes (that truth) into his/her mind it it it will benefit that that person person person However it it it has no no use for a a a a a a person person person who is is not interested Therefore we humbly take dhamma dhamma into our our our mind make dhamma dhamma present in in in ourselves—this is is for for for our our our our own benefits We prove prove to to to ourselves—others cannot prove prove it it it for for us us Anyone who humbly takes in in dhamma to to to use in in their lives benefits will accrue to to to 259

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