Page 73 - Extinguishment of Self
P. 73

To position or to to manage our our our mind is is is essentially to to control control control our our our mindfulness mindfulness mindfulness This is is is is not controlling controlling our our our our thinking but controlling controlling the mindfulness mindfulness mindfulness first That is is is knowing how to to position position our our our mindfulness mindfulness mindfulness / our our mind mind mind to to be in in in in in in a a a a a a a certain place Wherever we we position position it it it we we clearly experience there This here here here is is is the the the contemplation that composes of mindfulness and and clear clear comprehension To move the the the the mind mind mind is is is to to willfully direct the the the mind mind mind mind into a a a a a a a a a a a certain place place and and clearly experience how how that place place is is is is is is is how how the the the mind mind mind is is is is is is is This This is is is is is is is a a a a a a a a a a a a a very important thing Why? This This is is is is is is is because some people practice dhamma—the mind mind mind is is is is is is is serene robust stable stable resplendent resplendent but they are not able able able to to use use the the the mind mind that is is is serene serene stable stable stable resplendent resplendent resplendent to to experience natural conditions They only sense that the the the the mind mind is is is serene serene the the the the resplendent resplendent mind mind is is is stable stable more expansive than the the the the the physical physical body body and simply blanketing the the the the the physical physical body body However when when there there are are various natural conditions emerging emerging when when there there are are are corporeality sound smell taste touch mind-objects emerging emerging they are are not able to to to use the the the sense of serenity stability resplendence to to experience experience those natural conditions They can only experience experience experience as per per per per normal This is is an an an important foundation Thus far I have taught about how to to use the mind to to experience experience at at 65

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