Page 91 - Extinguishment of Self
P. 91

seriously the the dhamma that the the Buddha taught for all all individuals to be be free from from all all sufferings—this is is is is is is not something distant from from our lives Furthermore that I said this this this is is is is is is is is an an an important thing thing is is is is is is is is because this this is is is is is a a a a a a a a a a a a way to make us us us free not not not being being being bonded not not not being being being dominated dominated by by by greed-anger-delusion or or not not not being being being dominated dominated by by by ignorance This is is is because practicing dhamma by by by contemplating the the the the the truth of the the the the the the physical and and the the the the the the mental phenomena the the the the the the body and and the the the the the the mind is is is to to truly experience the the the the the Law of Nature that takes place according to to causes and conditions constantly The physical body does does its its duty duty the mind also does its duty If we we believe that our existence does not not end with the current life—As long long as as as we we we have not not completely extirpated defilements as as as as as long long long as as as as as we we we remain in in in in the never-ending cycle of birth and death as as as as long long as as as as we we we humans continue to to to be governed by our kamma— Then we we we should pay attention to to to the the the the Trilaksana to to to the the the the nature of the the the the physical and and the the the the mental phenomena that that that that currently currently appear—that we we call “us ours”—that currently currently currently sit and and listen to dhamma sermon that that that that currently currently undertake various activities In fact these are are the the the physical and the the the mental phenomena that are are called a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a life an an individual us us 83

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