Page 3 - PowerPoint Presentation
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 Historical formulation, monitoring and review of the VMGO.
                  The following activities were undertaken:
                    a. The VMGO was formulated based on the chartered mandate of the University.
                    b. ISU officials participated in the Strategic Planning Workshops to have a plenary review of the Vision
                       and Mission.
                    c. A Multi-stakeholders’ forum was held with representatives of the students, alumni, faculty and non-
                       academic  officials,  GOs,  NGOs,  LGU  Representatives,  parents  in  attendance,  to  discuss  the
                       development plan of the University.
                    d. The VM were reviewed in a pre-board of regents meeting and again presented in a Board of Regents’
                       Meeting for approval.
                    e. Monitoring of the effectiveness of the VMGOs will be done through feedback forms gathered from
                       stakeholders, and floating of questionnaires about the VMGOs.

           2. IMPLEMENTATION
               Stakeholders’ Participation in the formulation/Monitoring/Review of the Objectives of the Program
                STAKEHOLDERS                     NATURE OF PARTICIPATION                 INCLUSIVE DATES

            a.   Board of Regents      Board Meeting (approval of the Strategic Development   February 13, 2019
                                       Plan -- Res. No. 16 s. 2019)
                                       Approval of the University Vision  and Mission (Res.    February 13, 2019
                                       No. 15 s. 2019)
            b.  Administration         Administrative Council Meeting (approval of the    January 14, 2019
                                       Strategic Development Plan)
                                       3 Leg University Strategic Planning              May 17, 2018
                                       2 Leg University Strategic Planning Workshop     February 26-27, 2018

                                       1 Leg University Strategic Planning              October 15-18, 2017
                                       Attendance in Academic Council Meetings:
                                                 College Council Meetings
                                                 Campus Council Meeting                June 22, 2020
                                                 University Campus Council Meeting     June 26, 2020
                                                                                        June 30, 2020
            c.  Faculty                Administrative Council Meeting (approval of the    January 14, 2019
                                       Strategic Development Plan)
                                       3 Leg University Strategic Planning              May 17, 2018
                                       2 Leg University Strategic Planning Workshop     February 26-27, 2018

                                       1 Leg University Strategic Planning              October 15-18, 2017
                                       Attendance in Academic Council Meetings:
                                                 College Council Meetings              June 22, 2020
                                                 Campus Council Meeting                June 26, 2020
                                                 University Campus Council Meeting     June 30, 2020
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