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P. 70

I.1.A system of dissemination and

                     acceptability of      the VMGO is enforced.


                 MEMORANDUM NO. 044. S. 2019

                 TO·           DR. JOELL. REYES   -  Dean, College of Agriculture
                        DR. HELENA B. FLORENDO   -  Dea, n College of
                        Ans and Sciences  DR. SILVESTRE M. MACUTAY,111- Dean, College
                        or Business,
                                        Accountancy. and Public Administration
                        DR. RICARDO Q.  CAMUNGAO     -  Dean. College of Computin, g  Studies.
                        DR. NERISSA  P. BATOON    - Dean, College of Education
                                        Informationand CommunlC8:tion
                        DR. JOEL M. ALCARAZ   - Dean, College or Engineering
                        OR. ISAGANI P. ANGELES, JR.   - Dean, Instituteof Fisheries
                        DR. KARINA MARIE G. NICOLAS - Dean, School or Veterinary Medicine
                       MR. MARCEL B. ATIANZAR   -  Dean, College of Criminal Justice Edi,catioo
                       MS. EDMELYN B. CACAYAN  -  Dean, Coffege of Nursing
                 FROM :   The Vice.President for Academe and Relateel Atra1,s
                 SUBJ   Translabon of Unive,slty V1s1on and
                 ECT:    MissJOn  September 23. 2019
                 DATE ·  Our newly revised University Vasion and Mission have been approved through BOR
                 Resolution No. 15, s. 2019 slated as:

                 VISION (V): A leading Reseatch Univer'Sity in the ASEAN Region.
                 MISSION  IMJ:  The  lsabela  State  University  is  committed  to  de11elop  glObally  competitive
                 human,  technological resources and services through qualrty mstruct10n. innovative research,
                 responsive  corm,unity  engagement  and  viable  resource  manltgement  programs  for  indusNe   VISION   MISSION
                 grow1h and  sustainable development.              TAGAL OG: B lsy       TAGALOG: Mi:syon
                                                                   on  N;mgungunang Ul'Ubersidad sa    Ar,g  Pamanlaseng  Estado  ng  Isabel.a  ay
                                                                     pananalik$ik. ea Rehiyong   nakatuon  sa  paglinang  ng  m  yang
                    fa  petts  were  enlisted  in  the  translation  of  the  V  and  M  into  1he  predominant  d  lects
                 spoken in the  host  towns  v.tiere our  University  campuses  are respectively  situated  ,  thus  the    ASEAN,   m1o1ka5asabay nagbabagoog mundo,
                 translation to: Tagalog, ltocano, lbanag and Yogad (refer to the anached).   mapakikinabangang teknoldliya a1 s@t
                                                                                            bisyo  pamamagflan
                                                                                            sa        ng   dekalidad   na
                    Please  cause  the  wioest  d1ssernlfla110n  of  the  V  and  M.  lncludmg  lhe  transfa  tron  s.   pagtuturo,  makabuluhanlil    paM nalikslk,
                 through  vanous means but  no1· 11m1ted to : p nnting i n bu lletin boards. Ryets. syllabi (English   paikikipag  ugnayan   ::;o  komu11Klad
                 version only)  and many others 1n order to c,eate awareness among faculty, Slaff, students. and   s1f)$Qb1.Jbuo  ng  mga   mapagk.ekakHaang
                 stakeholders                                                               progr.airia  para  sa  i:iengkalahatan  at
                                                                                            rna1ataQ m1 kaunlaran.
                    For your information and stnct comphance.      IB ANAG :P appang e-Ulin   IBANAG: Tatagg ag
                                                                     Kelugan Mt ISU, i naperuma ta R!:!,,ea!dl    Gakkay  na  Universidacl  i  pabbarln.ar1  na
                                         EDITHA F. AUSA, Ph. D.      la Rolllyon ASEAN.     totofay  tu  mei:-a  ta  nu  makQlddan  ira  ta
                                   Vice-President for AcademlC and Related Affairs          fl'KXH!rmo  nga  p.attotay  meg1:1fu  ta
                                                                                            atarmang  nga  k.alidad  na  panudilu,
                         OFFICE OF THE VKE PRESI DENT FOR ACADEM IC ANO RELATED             meyarmung nga  research. paklpattal;tian ta
                                    AFFA.IRS                                                "komunlclad, anna  pamaclday   tu  Pr'OQr
                            2"' Floot, Ad min., Sid a,. 5.Jn Fab ian, £ch.ague, ls.abe !a
                 ISU( .,.\IIA•t."   'l'l-01                                                 ama  lu  pagaleran  nr;1
                 l     0,.?01S                                                              t□tol.!ly. para ta ngangarigay nga progreso ,
                 f! ' e(1Mt y: A.ii uu                             YOGA D:  Paggigltan   YOGAD: Gakkad
                 •A"-v1Mon 0                                         Yu ya rnagogonta a  rta   nu   JSU  ya   mangyonta  tu
                                                                     mabbarabar"Sk  t u  pammapian tu   akka  sibbukalla nu alanarl na programa tu
                                                                     Rehiyong  ASEAN.       teknolohfye ya  meta  Ian  lu  de kalidad  ya
                                                                                            annumuru,   annu   mena   magrttud   a
                                                                                            rnabt:iarak  tu   pamm.ap;.an   nu
                                                                  ILOCANO: Slmarta       I L OCANO: Akom
                                                                     Mar.gldade11.1IO nga unibtirsidatl   17 I saberfa  S  h  lkliversity  ket  pursigido
                                                                     Ii                     a  mani:1mull   i
                                                                     paMgs1.1kisok  iti rehi  on ti     s:&r1gailubongan nga ta1i13¢, gemigem iii
                                                                     ASEAN.                   ti!iknolot-ilya k.en :sarbisio  ill babiiien kadag I
                                                                                            dekalidad    a   pan agisuro.   kabaruan,au-.
                                                                                            a   PElrtagsukisok.   nal'eg1a   a
                                                                                            panrtaklpagg1:1mulo  iti kum1.m ld act ken
                                                                                            dagiti   ptogl\'lmei   n.i   n   alaka  a
                                                                                            parmak.aln,aton daglti gamlgam  a  mapaay
                                                                                            iU  nainkanengan  a  p  magrangpa,-a  k,e.,
                                                                                            matagim1yon a p.at1.agrang-a y.
                                                                           OfFICE 0   T'Hi VICE PRE51DE Nt FOR ACADEMIC A.ND RELATfl>
                                                                                       AFFA I R$
                                                                              2d 1  f loor, l\drn, k ., Sid F-.a bl,11n, t d 1c11ue, 15.iibe  l:ji
                                                                    IIWE-AR,oll,-Mem  -(J21   1,.  .. ,,1 ..,,.,,,     b!:!:_ij)'-11i!ltlf11.1•t<• 111,nl.,11rt1
                                                                    t "  Hll  ....t-,:: .......,,t  lil, l
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