Page 94 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 94

0.1.          There is full awareness and acceptance of the VMGO

                          by the administrators, faculty, staff, students, and  other


                                 BS-ENTREP Students Awareness and
                                 Acceptance of the Vision, Mission,
                                 Goa ls,  and Program Objectives of the

                                 ls abe la  State University - College of

                                 Business,  Accountancy and Public

                                 Administration  (CBAPA)

                                 Dear BS-ENTREP students:

                                 This is an online survey to assess the level of awareness and acceptance am ong college
                                 students rel evant to t he ISU Vision, Mission, Goa ls, and Objectives (VMGO). This dat a
                                 col lection 11ct ivity will obse rve t he compliance with data pri vacy protect ion (RA 1 0173).

                                 Your parti cipat ion in completing this survey will be highly appreci ated. Thanks in ad vance 1

                               As an ISU- CBA PA stude nt, do you acc ep t the fo llow ing:   iQ Copy

                                 150   -

                                 Yes     -


                                     Vision statemenl of Ill e   Mission stal emenl of ISU   Goals of Ill e College   BS ENTREP Program
                                     ISU             (CBAPA)

                               I am f ullly awa r e of  wha t t lhe Universit y Visio n and  Mission ; Go als of the Colleg e; and
                               BS- En t r ep r e n e ur ship Pro gr am Objectives aim to ac com plish.
                               144 responses

                                                                                •  Strorng ly Agree
                                                                                •  Agree
                                                                                • Undecide
                                                                                e Disagree
                                                                                e Strorng l y
   89   90   91   92   93   94   95   96   97   98   99