Page 12 - PARAMETER A & B
P. 12
S.1. The institution has a system of determining the
Vision and Mission
►Historical formulation, monitoring and review of the
The following activities were undertaken:
a. The VMGO was formulated based on the chartered mandate
of theUniversity.
b. ISU officials participated in the Strategic PlanningWorkshops
to have a plenary review of the Vision and Mission.
c. A Multi-stakeholders' forum was held with representatives of
the students, alumni, faculty and non-academic officials, GOs,
NGOs, LGURepresentatives, parents in attendance, to
discuss thedevelopment plan of the University.
d. The VM were reviewed in a pre-boardof regents meeting and
again presented in a Board of Regents' Meeting for approval.
e. Monitoring of the effectiveness of the VMGOs will be done
through feedback forms gathered from stakeholders, and
floating of questionnaires about the VMGOs.