P. 11
levels of customer service. All indications are that the International Sickle Cell Day celebration being our
Government of The Gambia is determined to put in major highlight. See page 00 for details.
place measures to move the economy away from cash-
Our outstanding achievements in 2021 could not have
based to a much more digital-based economy. The
been realized without the solid commitment of our
creation of the new Ministry of Communications and the
management and staff, who remained true to the values
Digital Economy is a significant indication of the
of the Bank and fully supportive of the strategies we
Government’s intent, and we want to ensure that as a
have developed to face the challenging environment.
Bank we are optimally positioned to take full advantage
of the expected evolution. This is why the Board is fully In my capacity as Chair, I must also extend my personal
committed to ensuring that management’s proposals to thanks to our Board members who have provided the
enhance our e-banking services across the bank are bank and its executives with the guidance and direction
fully implemented. Such services include the needed to generate the kind of performance reflected in
introduction to the market of a new Mobile Banking App this report. During the year under review, one of our
as a significant upgrade to the current GTBank App. I Non-Executive Directors, Mr Demola Odeyemi,
am convinced that the quality of the user experience resigned from the Board. On behalf of GT Bank
that this new app will give our customers will cement our (Gambia) I would like to place on record our thanks to
position as the leading e-banking service provider in the Mr. Odeyemi for the tremendous support he provided
industry. the bank during his tenure of office as Non-Executive
Director. The vacant Board position was filled by Mr.
In another development, our parent, Guaranty Trust
Adebanji Adeniyi who joined the Board as a seasoned
Bank Plc., is now a fully-fledged Financial Services
banker with a wealth of experience: his contributions at
Group and is listed on the Nigerian Exchange (NGX)
Board-level have already brought the bank significant
Limited and the London Stock Exchange as Guaranty
benefits. I am proud and privileged to be supported by
Trust Holding Company Plc (“GTCO Plc”). GTCO Plc
such experienced and committed Board members.
operates as the parent company of all Guaranty Trust
banking businesses across Africa and the United
In conclusion, let me once more express my thanks to
Kingdom as well as any future non-banking businesses
our dedicated and hardworking staff for an excellent job
which might be established following the transition. To
very well done for the year; for achieving such results
preserve our link with our parent’s brand, the GTBank
under the prevailing local and global economic
(Gambia) logo is being replaced with the GTCO logo
environment they are to be commended. I would also
across all our locations and across all print and non-
like to register my appreciation for our loyal customers.
print media. I am sure you are already seeing these
We never lose sight of the fact that they are the reason
physical and visual changes, and we are pleased to see
for our existence as a bank. We assure you that we shall
that the market is already recognizing and embracing
not relent in our commitment to provide them with the
the new logo.
excellent banking services that they need — and
deserve — in order to meet all their banking needs.
Corporate Social Responsibility continues to be an
Finally, I thank all our shareholders for their continued
Annual Report 2021
integral part of our operation. During the year under
trust in the Board.
review, we supported the health sector with the Guaranty Trust Bank Gambia Limited 11