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exposures  are  properly  monitored,  managed  and        (i)   the 3 main inherent Bank’s risks–Credit, Market and
        controlled.  The  Credit  Risk  Management  Bank  is          Operational;
        responsible  for  managing  the  credit  exposures,  which
        arise as a result of the lending and investment activities   (ii)  additional  core  risks  such  as  Reputation  and
        as  well  as  other  unfunded  credit  exposures  that  have   Strategy risks
        default probabilities such as contingent liabilities.
                                                                  In addition to this, in compliance with the regulations of
        Risk Management Methodology                               the Central Bank of The Gambia and also to align with
                                                                  Basel II Capital Accord / best global practices, we are in

        The Bank recognizes that it is in the business of managing   the  process  of  incorporating  a  strategic  framework  for
        risks to derive optimal satisfaction for all stakeholders. It   efficient  measurement  and  management  of  the  bank’s
        has therefore, over the years detailed its approach to risk   risks  and  capital.    We  have  commenced  the
        management  through  various  policies  and  procedures,   implementation  of  Basel  II  recommended  capital
        which include the following:                              measurement approaches for the estimate of the bank’s
                                                                  economic  capital  required  to  cope  with  unexpected
                                                                  losses. We are also putting in place other qualitative and
            •   ERM Policy                                        quantitative measures that will assist with enhancing risk
                                                                  management processes and creating a platform for more
            •   Credit Policy Guide                               risk-adjusted decision-making.

            •   Human Resources Policy Manual                     Credit risk

            •   Standard Operating Procedures
                                                                  Lending  and  other  financial  activities  form  the  core
                                                                  business of the Bank. The Bank recognizes this and has
            •   IT Policy
                                                                  laid  great  emphasis  on  effective  management  of  its
                                                                  exposure to credit risk. The Bank defines credit risk as the
        To  ensure  adherence  to  the  policies  and  procedures,
        several exception reports on customers and activities of   risk  of  counterparty’s  failure  to  meet  the  terms  of  any
        the Bank are generated by the various audit control units   lending contracts with the Bank or otherwise to perform
        for management’s decision making. These include:          as agreed.  Credit  risk  arises  anytime  the  Bank’s  funds
                                                                  are    extended,    committed,    invested    or  otherwise
                                                                  exposed   through   actual   or   implied   contractual
            •   Monthly Management Profitability Reports (MPR)    agreements.
               for the marketing teams                            The Bank’s specific credit risk objectives, as contained in
                                                                  the Credit Risk Management Framework, are:
            •   Monthly Operations Performance Reports(OPR)
               for the support teams
                                                                     •   Maintenance of an efficient loan portfolio
            •   Quarterly Business Profitability Review
                                                                     •   Institutionalization of sound credit culture in the
            •   Annual   Bank-wide   performance   appraisal             Bank
                                                                     •   Adoption of international best practices in credit
            •   Criticized Asset Committee Report                        risk management
        Risk Management Overview
                                                                     •   Development  of  Credit  Risk  Management
        The Bank operates a functional Risk Management Group             professionals.
        that  manages  all  aspects  of  risk  including  threats  and   Each business unit is required to implement credit policies
        opportunities.  The  risk  management  infrastructure     and procedures in line with the credit approval authorities
        therefore encompasses a comprehensive and integrated      granted by the Board. Each business unit is responsible
        approach to identifying, managing and reporting:          for the quality and performance of its credit portfolio and

                                                                  for monitoring and controlling all credit risks in its portfolio,
     Annual Report 2021

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