P. 90
Gross Stage
carrying Stage 1 2 Stage 3 Total Carrying
In thousands of Gambian
Dalasi amount ECL ECL ECL impairment amount
Loans and Advances to
individuals 748,141 (12,463) (243) - (12,706) 735,435
Loans and Advances to
Non-Individuals 275,180 (35,645) (5,085) (5,091) (45,821) 229,359
1,023,321 (48,108) (5,328) (5,091) (58,527) 964,794
Gross carrying amount for contingents and undrawn commitments assessed for impairment totalled D99, 668,855.60
and D30, 252,800.00 respectively. The total reported impairment figure includes D448, 577.35 for contingents and
D552, 678.18 for impaired undrawn commitments.
Gross Stage
carrying Stage 1 2 Stage 3 Total Carrying
In thousands of Gambian
Dalasi amount ECL ECL ECL impairment amount
Loans and Advances to
individuals 499,346 (12,733) - (6,553) (19,286) 480,060
Loans and Advances to
Non-Individuals 532,124 (9,928) (554) (43,268) (53,751) 478,373
1,031,470 (22,661) (554) (49,821) (73,037) 958,433
Gross carrying amount for contingents and undrawn commitments assessed for impairment totaled D227, 196, 000
and D36, 420,000 respectively. The total reported impairment figure includes D262, 940,000 for contingents and D1,
016,000 for impaired undrawn commitments.
In thousands of Gambian Dalasi Dec.-2021 Dec.-2020
Current 183,859 480,060
Non-Current 780,936 478,373
Total 964,794 958,433
Loans and advances to customers is analyzed below:
In thousands of Gambian Dalasi Dec.-2021 Dec.-2020
Loans to individuals
Annual Report 2021
Overdraft 43,370 42,923 Guaranty Trust Bank Gambia Limited 90