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flow  hedging  instruments  or  qualifying  net  investment   comprehensive income); and all derivatives are
        hedging instruments.                                      measured at fair value through profit or loss.
        All foreign exchange gains and losses recognized in the
        Income  statement  are  presented  net  in  the  Income   An entity may, at initial recognition, designate a financial
        statement  within  the  corresponding  item.  Foreign     asset as measured at fair value through profit or loss if
        exchange  gains  and  losses  on  other  comprehensive    doing  so  eliminates  or  significantly  reduces  an
        income  items  are  presented  in  other  comprehensive   accounting mismatch.
        income within the corresponding item.
        In the case of changes in the fair value of monetary assets
        denominated  in  foreign  currency,  a  distinction  is  made   The Bank has undertaken an assessment to determine
                                                                  the  potential  impact  of  changes  in  classification  and
        between translation differences resulting from changes in   measurement of financial assets. The adoption of IFRS 9
        amortized cost of the security and other changes in the   did  not  result  in  significant  changes  to  existing  asset
        carrying amount of the security. Translation  differences   measurement bases.
        related to changes in the amortized cost are recognized
        in profit or loss, and other changes in the carrying amount,
        except impairment, are recognized in equity.

                                                                  Impairment Methodology
        3.4 Cash and cash equivalents

                                                                  The IFRS 9 impairment model is applicable to all financial
        Cash and cash equivalents include notes and coins on      assets at amortized cost, debt instruments measured at
        hand, unrestricted balances held with central bank of     fair  value  through  other  comprehensive  income,  lease
        The  Gambia,  balances  held  with  other  banks  and     receivables, loan commitments and financial guarantees
        Money market placements. Cash and cash equivalents        not measured at fair value through profit or loss.
        are  carried  at  amortised  cost  in  the  Statement  of
        financial position.
                                                                  IFRS 9 replaces the ‘incurred loss’ impairment approach
                                                                  with an Expected Credit Loss (‘ECL’) model, resulting in
        3.5 Financial instruments                                 earlier recognition of credit losses.

                                                                  Expected  credit  losses  are  the  unbiased  probability
        Classification and Measurement
                                                                  weighted average credit losses determined by evaluating
                                                                  a  range  of  possible  outcomes  and  future  economic
        IFRS 9 requires financial assets to be classified into one   conditions.
        of three measurement categories: fair value through profit
        or loss, fair value through other comprehensive income
        and amortised cost.                                       The ECL model has three stages. Entities are required
                                                                  to recognise a 12 month expected loss allowance on
                                                                  initial recognition (stage 1) and a lifetime expected loss
        Financial assets will be measured at amortised cost if    allowance when there has been a significant increase
        they are held within a business model with the objective   in credit risk since initial recognition (stage 2). Stage 3
        of which is to hold financial assets in order to collect   requires  objective  evidence  that  an  asset  is  credit-
        contractual cash flows, and their contractual cash flows   impaired, which is similar to the guidance on incurred
        represent solely payments of principal and interest.      losses in IAS 39.
        Financial assets will be measured at fair value through
        other comprehensive income if they are held within a      The  requirement  to  recognise  lifetime  ECL  for  loans
        business model the objective of which is achieved by      which have experienced a significant increase in credit
        both  collecting  contractual  cash  flows  and  selling   risk since origination, but which are not credit impaired,
        financial  assets  and  their  contractual  cash  flows   does  not  exist  under  IAS  39.  The  assessment  of
        represent solely payments of principal and interest.      whether  an  asset  is  in  stage  1  or  2  considers  the
                                                                  relative change in the  probability of default  occurring
         Financial assets not meeting either of these two         over the expected life of the instrument, not the change
        business models; and all equity instruments (unless       in the amount of expected credit losses. Reasonable
        designated at inception to fair value through other       and supportable forward looking information will also be
     Annual Report 2021

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