Page 7 - Open Bible Standard Churches Grenada Articles of Faith
P. 7

Articles of Faith                                                                                                                      7

                                                                                                    I       Daily Christian Life

                                                                                                            We believe that having been cleansed by the blood,

                                                                                                            and quickened by the Spirit. It is God’s will that we
                                                                                                            should be sanctified daily and me made partakers of
                                                                                                            His Holiness; walking not after the flesh but after the

                                                                                                            spirit; forsaking the very appearance of evil, such as
                                                                                                            worldly habits. Scripture References: (Rom; 1; Rom

                                                                                                            8:5; Rom 12:1-2; 2 Cor 7:1; 1Pet 1:515 1 Thess 5:2)

                                                                                                         Marriage and Divorce
                                                                                                         Knowing that marriage was instituted by God; sanctioned
                                                                                                   J     by the Lord Jesus Christ, and was commanded of

                                                                                                         St.Paul to be honourable among all men, we believe that
                                                                                                         Christian man or woman should not marry an unsaved

                                                                                                         person. Having been united by God in holy matrimony,
                                                                                                         neither person, as long as both shall live, shall be free to

                                                                                                         remarry. Scripture References:  (2 Corinthians 6:15;
                                                                                                         Matthew 19: 5-6; Luke 16:18; Hebrews 13:4.)

                                                         House of Praise – Gouyave Open Bible Standard Church
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