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Peale, Norman Vincent, 213, 350 positive focus, 243–45, 275
Peary, Robert, 212 positive thoughts (thinking): effect on
Pebble Watch, 531–34 body, 273; inner-critic to inner-coach
Peck, M. Scott, 171 process for, 278–83; Law of Attraction
Peoplemaking (Satir), 197 and, 64–67, 72; talking to yourself like
performance critics, 281–83 a winner, 277–78
Perot, H. Ross, 209, 212–13 positivity, 516–17
perseverance, 135–37, 181–89, 209–16, Powell, Colin, 252
217–19 Power of Focus, The (Canfield), 24, 348,
persistence, 176–77, 209–16 408, 557
personal advisors, 328–29, 336 power of releasing to accelerate
personal branding, 510–20; content millionaire mind-set, 448–49
advancing “brand,” 515–19; deciding power of words, 412
who you want to be, 511–14; Power of Your Subconscious Mind
monitoring and cleaning up online (Murphy), 284
persona, 520 Power to Have It All, The (Proctor), 446
personal coaches. See coaches Poynter, Dan, 217
Personal Development for Smart People practice, 164–67, 203; persistence and,
(Pavlina), 501–2 209–16
personal development training, 300–301 prayer, 386–87
personal integrity, 340–41, 431 precessional effects, 544–45
personalizing, 277 Pregracke, Chad, 179
personal past. See past, personal prejudices, 412, 415, 417
personal responsibility, xxiii, 3–22; Price, Larry, 403
blame and, 10–11, 14; choice and, price, paying the, 163–73
5–10, 14–18; complaining and, 12–14; Primerica, 42
excuses and, 5–7, 13–14; outcomes Principle 24: Exceed Expectations
and, 6–18; paying attention, 18–19 (Peace), xx
Peter, Laurence J., 246 privacy, digital, 506, 520
pettiness, 437 procrastination, 92, 289
Phelps, Michael, 165 Proctor, Bob, 150, 446, 546
Phillips, Dawa Tarchin, 387 professional organizers, 251, 251n
phobias, 157; Five-Minute Phobia Cure, Profiles in Courage (Kennedy), 297
157; Tapping Therapy, 259, 261–62 profitability stage of relationship,
PhotoReading Course, 296 358–60
physical sensations of fear, 155 prosperity, 72, 448, 484, 486
physical touch, 425 public service. See volunteerism
Piazza, Ignatius, 185–86 Publilius Syrus, 429
Pillsbury Company, 492 Pugh, Lewis, xxi
Pilzer, Paul Zane, 484n purpose in life. See life purpose
Pinterest, 237 push-ups, xxxii
placebo effect, 43
planning next day night before, 92–93 quality time, 424
Plass, Leo, 54 Quantum Field, 245
Poisonwood Bible, The (Kingsolver), 184 quantum leap, 79
Poitier, Sidney, 6 quantum mechanics, 61
poker chip theory, 234–35 questions, 174–80; assumptions vs.,
polygraph (lie-detector) tests, 272–73 417–21; for basic releasing exercise,
Ponder, Catherine, 59 448–49; fear in asking of, 174–75;
Popiolek, Pavel, xx– xxi most valuable, 194–97; rules for asking
positive expectations, 43–44, 59, 67–68, of, 175–77
448 Quest program, 185
positive feedback, 190–91, 383 Quick Coherence Technique, 382–84
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