Page 104 - PPP_Area V_RESEARCH
P. 104
Study 1. Local Government Best
Practices for COVID-19 Project Leader: Ma. 3
Management in Isabela Rita A. Reario
Study Leader:
Nicanor D. 1
Study Leader: Jose
P. Gallena Jr.
Study Leader:
Study 2. Impact of the COVID-19
Jessica C. 1
Crisis in the Province
Study Leader:
Joana May 1
Study 3. The Covid-19 Recovery
Efforts of Local Governments in Study Leader: Joan 1
Study Leader:
Ralliegh F. Vizcarra
Mapping the Flexible Learning January 3,
Student Engagement in the Project Leader: 2022 to
11 CBAPA, ISU, Echague Campus: Ralliegh F. Vizcarra December 31, P 30,000.00
Basis towards Educational 2022
Study 1. Academic Engagement Project Leader:
and Future Skills Ralliegh F. Vizcarra 3
Study Leader:
Jayson G. Gollayan 1
Study Leader: Leah 1
D. Bitao
Study 2. Social, Economic and Study Leader:
Emotional Engagement Vivian M. Dumrique 1
Study Leader: Amie 1
P. Bala
Study 3. Engaged Time and Study Leader:
Over-all College Experiences Exequiel M. Perez 1
and Prospects
Study Leader: Aida
T. Villanueva 1
January 3,
Tracer Study for Master of
12 Business Administration: Basis Study Leader: 1 2022 to
for Curriculum Enhancement Mariflor H. Devibar December 31,
Study Leader: 1
Dahlee S. Pascua
Research outputs are published in refereed journals, research outputs are utilized, patented,
copyrighted and commercialized.
The University is tasked to engage in research to seek new technologies, generate relevant knowledge,
and promote sustainable development. Thus, the University’s research outputs will be used to improve
104 | P a g e – O B Q A - P P P / A r e a V : R e s e a r c h / B S E n t r e o r e n e u r s h i p