Page 2 - Compliance-AREA-V-Research-Entrep
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Compliance Report on the Survey
Team’s Recommendation
AACCUP Action/s taken Extent
Accreditation Recommendation of
Consider researches inclined to The college started to make
entrepreneurship such as social researches that boost the condition of
enterprise to purposely uplift the the community that it caters. The 100%
economic strata of the marginalized College had been doing evaluation and
community. Subsequent assessment assessment of livelihood projects in
study on the existing livelihood project is line with the goals and objectives of the
encouraged to check its compliance with college
college goals and objectives.
Tracer Study on entrepreneurial The college had successfully done a
competencies of graduates from the Tracer Study on Entrepreneurship
pioneer batch is encouraged to gauge Graduates from each pioneer batch 100%
the curriculum effectiveness of the and still continuing to update the
program under study. employability of the graduates.
Partnership with business entities such The College has started external 90%
as micro, small and medium enterprises linkages with micro, small and medium
in proximate areas such as business enterprises with affixed MOA/MOU.
immersion sites with secured MOA/MOU Moreover, the college started to look
is encouraged. Likewise, strive to for funding to support entrepreneurial
subject innovative end-products for activities.
patent application assistance for
business registration. As part of the
university’s income generating project
Research productivity maybe increased The faculty of Entrepreneurship 90%
through study proposals of faculty Department started to participate in
members teaching entrepreneurship and different research fora, trainings and
be submitted at the onset of the fiscal seminar to enhance its capability in
year in adherence to faculty doing research. Moreover, research
development and continuing education proposals were called at least one
program. capsule proposal for every year.
Establish an institutional format for There is already an existing University 100%
undergraduate thesis and/or research Guideline for Writing The Research
study. Report/Thesis applicable to both
undergraduate and graduate students.