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2018. I can assure you they will have a performance slot at Texas Indie Fest in Austin, TX during music
week (wink inserted).
The band‘s sound to me is an alternative rock folk blend. They possess sweet harmonies and a well-
tailored professional instrumentation utilizing various strings and guitar pedal work. They have a style
that fits well with the college crowd. That being said, their musical reach goes far beyond that. I feel, as
does the band, that baby boomers also latch on to their style. There is a little something for everyone
within their genre. What is a genre anymore anyway? There are so many different categories and
subcategories that exist. It all really depends on the listener.
Now, as promised, let me get back to their new album release “Kingdoms”. I never know what to expect
any more once I put on the headphones to settle in and absorb a new full-length effort. The music
industry has really become fixated on single downloads. I had already been sold on their ability based
on the strength of the two tracks “Rebels” and “Undignified”. So as my musical journey into ‘Kingdoms”
unfolded I was completely blown away. This album flows wonderfully. To me it tells a story of the
adventure in finding love, then the ensuing struggle of building and maintaining that relationship and
then eventually losing it all. Once the relationship is over one must hide that hurt and move on with life
while keeping those emotions buried. I realize I
could be quite presumptuous to assume that this is
their intended message. Once, however, any song
is released into the public domain it becomes
everyone’s song or album. The individual
attachments and interpretations are varied and
I listened to “Kingdoms” just like back in the day
when I would visit the local record store and came
home with a new vinyl album and got that exquisite
feeling of success that I had scored a great piece
of musical work. Coopertheband’s “Kingdoms” is
truly complete, top to bottom, this is one of the best
new releases I have heard recently. It is lyrically
smart with excellent instrumentation and balanced,
strong, yet soothing, vocals.
In closing, this A&R man definitely heard some singles -- perhaps even five or six. But, the strength of
this album and the band is in the completeness; the flow, the talent, the vibe. Coopertheband is poised
to embark on a musical journey of success. Do yourself a favor; purchase “Kingdoms” and catch them
live whenever you get a chance. Learn more about coopertheband at the following links: