Page 2 - Tall Tales Test
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The TALL TALES COFFEE COMPANY has officially launched!
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It was smiling faces all around as we dove right in with our first in-person training for the Tall Tales Coffee Company. Trainees learned hands-on vocational skills on the trailer with
both hot and iced drinks, as well as reviewed soft skills such as food safety and workplace best practices. We are looking for- ward to additional trainings in the months to come, as well as
a private event at Charles Schwab's Week of Belonging, w
here trainees will put their new skills to work while celebrating diversity with hundreds of our future neighbors. Also stay tuned for details on two up- coming Schweiger Ranch public events where we will be popping up to serve coffee while showing the community the power of inclusive employment.
Residential Program Interest Form and Informational Video: If you are interested in having your ambassador live at Tall Tales Ranch some day, please fill out this form. Note that this is not a commitment or agreement, simply a form to assist us in gathering information. Upon completion of the form,
you will be sent a link to a new informational video contain- ing many additional details on our future residential format.
ere trainees will put their new skills to work while cele- brating diversity with hundreds of our future neighbors. Also stay tuned for details on two upcoming Schwei- ger Ranch public events where we will be pop- ping up to serve coffee while showing the com- munity the power of inclusive employment.
Residential Program Interest Form and Informa-
tional Video: If you are interested in having your ambassador live at Tall Tales Ranch some day, please fill out this form. Note that this is not a com- mitment or agreement, simply a form to assist us in gathering information. Upon completion of the form, you will be sent a link to a new informational video contain- ing many additional details on our future residential format.
ere trainees will put their new skills to work while celebrat-
“Everyone has different needs. People with disabilities might be a little different, but we have the same heart and drive as everyone else.”
TTR ambassador, Dylan, shared that quote last year when talking about what the com- munity will learn from Tall Tales Ranch and our ambassadors.
That quote from Dylan rings true to his own determination and drive to achieve his goals. Recently, Dylan ran an impressive race at the BolderBoulder 10k where he finished with a time of 42:25 and was 26th in his age group. Next, Dylan will compete in the Georgetown to Idaho Springs Half Marathon. Good luck Dylan!
Dylan’s mindset and dedication will inspire you to go out and achieve your own goals.

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