Page 89 - The Village Neighborhood Directory 2021-2022
P. 89
There are three Board-appointed committees comprised of resident volunteers and District staff who report to the Board and make suggestions. The committees consist of up to five resident voting members, one non-voting Board liaison, and a non- voting staff member to support the committee as needed.
1. Communications Committee:
2. Infrastructure Committee:
3. Water Committee:
Save the Date: August 21, 2021 Annual Community Picnic
Landscape/Brush Removal
The District traditionally conducts a community-wide branch/brush collection in May and October each year. This pickup is limited to tree branches cut in 4-foot lengths with the branches removed. Tree branches and limbs are to be stacked together at the edge of the asphalt for pickup, but NOT bundled. Removal of dead brush is an excellent way to help reduce fire hazards.
Once the branches are collected, the District grinds the debris, which can then
be used for mulch. For more information on the tree branch collection, call
the District at (303) 688-8330. For information about the types of landscape materials that may or may not be removed from your property, contact the CPHA at (303) 814-1345.
Cassie Vetter, chairperson; Mike Lanam, Board
liaison; Bill Dehn, Doug McBee, Vic Pluto and Norm Steinke, resident
members; Burt Knight, District staff member.
Kim Dadlani and Tom Napolilli, co-chairpersons; Dick
Munday, Board liaison; David King, Tom Miller and Lon Stuebinger, resident
members; Burt Knight, District staff member.