Page 91 - The Village Neighborhood Directory 2021-2022
P. 91
The District has certain responsibilities for the community’s road systems. Namely, repair and maintenance, street cleaning and snow removal. The District has 88-lane miles in its system. The Long Range Road Maintenance Plan (LRRMP), which is anticipated to be adopted by the Board this summer, has identified three categories of road types: Class I are collector roads with higher traffic volumes, Class II are local roadways and cul-de-sacs serving more than 12 homes, and Class III are cul- de-sacs serving fewer than 12 homes.
The LRRMP evaluates the roads based on a data-driven approach. Class I roads not only look at asphalt condition, but also include ridability and visual appearance. Class II and Class III road repairs are based on asphalt condition.
Happy Canyon Road is a county roadway maintained by Douglas County. For non- emergency traffic or road issues on Happy Canyon Road, contact Douglas County at (303) 660-7505.
Snow Procedures
Due to specialized equipment, logistics, timing, available funding and staffing to provide efficient and effective snow removal for District-maintained roads, a snow removal priority is assigned to each road in the Village.
• PRIORITY I – Class I Roads: Class I roads provide for high traffic volumes over medium to long distances.
• PRIORITY 2 – Class II Roads/cul-de-sacs: Class II roads provide for medium volume traffic within the District and provide direct access to residences.
• PRIORITY 3 – Class III Roads/cul-de-sacs: Class III roads provide for low volume traffic within the District and
provide direct access to residences.
Private roads, common driveways and sub association roads are NOT maintained by the District for snow removal. Contact individual Homes Associations for information.
Report potholes by calling (303) 688-8330 weekdays 8:00 am to 4:30 pm.