Page 27 - Nov Proof
P. 27

 Greetings Readers,
Halloween feels like it is the start of the holiday season. With that in mind, let’s just review a few of the simple rules for the upcoming holidays.
The host/hostess’s job is to
make sure every guest feels comfortable and has a good time. Conversely, the guest’s duty is
to be friendly and well-behaved. Remember, the whole point of a holiday meal is to have fun with your guests.
Mishaps will happen, and a mishap is just that, a mishap,
not the end of the world. Don’t lose your sense of humor in the race to get things right. If you can master this, you will be the perfect host in an imperfect world.
Keep your party lively. Drinks and nibbles in one room, the football game in another, the main course in another, and so on.
Guests, you may arrive fashionably late – 30 minutes tops. After that, it is rude and
not fashionable. Never show up empty handed. You’re already in check if you’ve been assigned a dish; if you haven’t, fresh baked cookies are never wrong. The same goes for a bottle of wine
or a delicious liqueur. If you’re feeling particularly decadent, send flowers the next day instead of bringing something. This gift becomes a tribute to a successful occasion.
According to the artist Brian Andreas, “There are things you do because they feel right and they may make no sense and they may make no money and it may be the real reason we are here: to love each other and to eat each other’s cooking and say it was good.”
Big Love,
Mrs. Abramovitz
Annual Autumn Shred Event
By Carin R. Kirkegaard; photo courtesy of Christina Leone
Community service had two meanings at the annual free Autum Shred Event held in The Village at Castle Pines shops last month.
Residents had an opportunity to safely and securely dispose of unwanted paper and documents, and the Rock Canyon High School poms team volunteered at the event by making goodie bags, unloading cars and breaking down boxes.
According to Christina Leone, coach of the poms team and assistant to the event sponsor, Wanda Ford, nearly 100 cars came through the event. The event was
free, and donations were accepted to benefit Disabled American Veterans.
November 2021

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