Page 28 - Nov Proof
P. 28

Neighborhood inaugural Octoberfest an
    By Carin R. Kirkegaard; photos courtesy of the Forest Park Social Committee oompah goodtime
      Forest Park Social Committee co-
chairs, Sarah Zales and Brooke Walter, along with the six member committee, successfully held the committee’s first in- person gathering since taking the reins as official party planners of the Forest Park neighborhood in the City of Castle Pines.
When the pair made the pact to take on the role of running the social committee together, they both agreed that their mission was to make sure every resident
felt welcome, included and a deep sense of community. In a diverse neighborhood that has families with babies, others with school- aged children, original owners whose children have flown the nest and retirees, finding a activity suitable for all was challenging.
Banking on having one of Colorado’s beautiful fall days, the group decided to throw a neighborhood Octoberfest – complete with festival lighting to set the mood, beer and food trucks to quench the thirst and fill the
bellies, and a ‘70s cover band to dance
the night away to. Ensuring everyone felt welcome, the social committee went door to door and hand delivered invitations with customized koozies to every home.
“The worst thing would have been that
we planned this event and no one showed up,” said Zales. “I had hoped for 75 to
80 people, but I think we easily ended up doubling that with more than 150 people,” she exclaimed.
 November 2021

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