Page 19 - Tapovan's Nirvana
P. 19

A typical day in your life at Harmony Nirvana is filled with activities. You have so
                                                many things to busy yourself with, that the only time you would want to go indoors
                                                is when you go to bed at night. We have taken care of your food requirements as well.

                                                Skipping to cook doesn't really have to end up in an innutritious meal.

                                                                                                                                                                                                   Lunch                                                                                                     Sign off the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              day with a
                                           Wake up to the                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      nutritious
                                            beautiful view                                                                                                     An array of                                                                                                                                       buffet.
                                         of Chamundi Hills.                                                                                                    activities to                                                                     Take a walk
                                        Take a walk around                                                           Enjoy a cup                             choose from for                                                                      around the              Pursue a Hobby
                                             the property.                                                          of tea in your                             the wellness                                                                         property.            of your choice or
                                            Practice Yoga                                                               balcony.                              of Mind, Body                                      Enjoy Board                   Chat with your              practice Yoga.
                                            or Meditation.                                                             Breakfast                                                                               Games.Indulge                    friends, linger
                                                                              Take a swim                                                                         & Soul.
                                                                                or hit the                                                                                                                       in a game of                    over a cup of
                                                                                   Gym.                                                                                                                     TT/Snooker.Pursue                    coffee or tea.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 your hobby.

                     Disclaimer# Activities mentioned is just suggestive, not mandatory.
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