Page 123 - 1965 Green Wave_Yearbook_Neat_Share
P. 123



A monthly meeting reviews activities
   and plans.

“Are there any other committee
   reports ?”

Pep rallies, dances . . . welfare
   projects, awards.
    . . new business?” . . . plans to
   revise the dress code.

Service to students and school. . .
Achievement Through E ffo rt!

                                                                    Student Council Officers (1. to r . ) : Henry Eng, Sgt.-at-A rm s; Angela Buono, Vice-
                                                                   Pres.; Richard Lawn, Pres.; Lesley Welch, Corres. Sec.; P at W ilbert, Tres.; Alan
                                                                    Berman, Sgt. a t Arms. (M issing: Joan Fornin, Rec. Sec.)

U pper School Representatives: F irst Row (1. to r.): A. Ber­  man; E. Siegal; S. Rothrock; J. Tomaino; J. Baldanza; J.
man, Sgt.-At-A rm s; P. W ilbert, Treas.; L. Welch, Corres.    Woods; B. Feldman; D. Godshall. Fifth Row: S. Herberg; J.
Sec.; R. Lawn, Pres.; A. Buono, V.P.; J. Fornin, Rec. Sec.;    Ricciardi; M. Ross; A. Kleiner; A. Liotta; H. Hover; J.
H. Eng, Sgt.-At-Arms. Second Row: L. Calogouri; J. Maz-        Chulsky; C. Bisti; M. Suzzo; D. Urdzik; C. Knutsen. Sixth
zacco; J. Eldridge; J. Lasky; H. Foring; J. Gillespie. Third   Row: F. Raviele; G. W ashington; B. Woolley; P. Oppenlan-
                                                               der; J. Cofer; W. Michau; B. Cittadino; D. Tepper; L.
Row: C. Smith; W. Goode, F. DeSantis; N. Collins; B. Un­
ger; S. Golden; M. Steinberg; M. D’Ambrisi; D. Odence;         Kent; J. Shutman; S. Irving.
K. Miller. Fourth Row: D. Thompson; C. T rifari; B. Holtz-
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