Page 129 - 1965 Green Wave_Yearbook_Neat_Share
P. 129


 Learning the customs of Spanish
    speaking people . . .

 Games, films, and speakers add to
    the enjoyment.

The Pan American Day Program
    dramatizes Spanish life.

                                                                  F irst Row (1. to r.): E. Siegal, Treas.; A. Gold, Rec. Sec.; J. Petrella, Pres.; S.
                                                                  Havranck, Corr. Sec. Second Row: M. Diez, H. Foring, R. Gorcey, M. Murakato, T.
                                                                  Patterson, N. Coleman, G. Comora, 0 . Garced, A. Singer. Third Row: L. DeBartolis,
                                                                  E. Diaz, J. Eldridge, J. Todaro, D. Simonelli, N. Schnieder, B. Torez, M. Sigel,
                                                                  V. Garced. Fourth Row: L. Parrottino, D. Larsen, S. Scott, S. Johnson, A. H arris, L.
                                                                  Dimenna, K. Bernheim, A. Garced, A. Sorrentino. Fifth Row: M. Steinberg, M.
                                                                  Stein, E. Foltis, I. K antor, D. DeSantis, F. Salter, P. Beatty, D. Dutoit, A. Sharfstein,
                                                                  N. Collins. Sixth Row: D. Wunsch, A. Liotta, C. Knutsen, L. Kent, P. Oppenlander,
                                                                  A. D’Ambrosio, H. Rankin, S. Lanman, J. Costabile, R. Kirschner, F. Ravielle.

                                                                                                         (1. to r.) Taunya Patterson, Janice Petrello and
                                                                                                         Joyce Zimmerman plan future activities as Ilene
                                                                                                         K antor and Mr. Harvey, Faculty Advisor, look on.


                                                                                             H eil! Dues . . . discussions . . . folk songs . . .
                                                                                             Reward: A command of the German


F irst Row (1. to r . ) : A. Cohen, Sec.;
S. G arten, E. A rlt, Treas. Second
Row: A. Urm, S. V ultaggio, G.
Baxter, E. Apfelbaum, K. Keppler,
T. Finger, M. Siegal, L. Sprceman,
T. Auerbach. Third Row: E. Gard­
ner, B. Lief, M. Ross, F. Baettig,
B. Cittadino, J. Ducore, T. Sher­
man, S. Johnson.
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