Page 24 - 1965 Green Wave_Yearbook_Neat_Share
P. 24


Oedipus Rex . . .
Class members read aloud . . .
Playbills and newspaper clippings . . .
A Greek theatre sketched on the board . .
Elizabethan theatre is discovered . . .
And modern drama is understood . . .

                                                                   Raymond Arlo


                                                                   Notebook paper, raised pencils, students
                                                                      le a rn in g ...........

                                                                   “A paragraph should briefly tell the story.”
                                                                   “You m ust be objective!”
                                                                   More advertisem ents compensate for lost sales.
                                                                   “One final teaching attem pt — write a one

                                                                      sentence lead
                                                                   L . . . . E . . . . A . . . . D ! Read the chapter!!”

Mr. Arlo explains the importance of the director and publicity to
a successful play.

Bruce Badgely
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