Page 44 - 1965 Green Wave_Yearbook_Neat_Share
P. 44


                                                                      The late bell rings.
                                                                      A group congregates at the sink . . .
                                                                      Im patient students seize paints, brushes, and

                                                                         paper towels.
                                                                      Work begins . . .
                                                                      Paint is molded, smeared, and slapped.
                                                                      A kaleidoscope of color transform s blank paper.
                                                                      A frantic scream — red paint on a white blouse!
                                                                      Clean-up . . . the sound of the bell . . .
                                                                      The humdrum world is re-entered.

    William H. Godoski
     Department Head

Mary Kate Connelly concentrates on finishing her m aster­

                                                                                             “Oops! T hat’s the end of the paper towels,” says Valerie

                                                                                        Halloween posters adorn the walls and serve as inspira­
                                                                                        tion for the Freehand artists.
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