Page 51 - 1965 Green Wave_Yearbook_Neat_Share
P. 51


“Welcome to Long Branch High             Sandy Kaabe, Stephanie Huhn, and Mary Jo Hendrie attem pt to find
   School.”                              their next class on the high school map.

A little scared and a little nervous,
The new freshmen file into the

   auditorium . . .

“Will H. R. 32 please follow the girl
   in yellow.”

A shuffling of feet as the newcomers
get their first view of the classrooms.
“. . . and this is the cafeteria. Are

   there any questions?”

                                                                                                                                               Jennifer Johnson anticipates the years
                                                                                                                                               and years of work ahead.

The Freshman Advisory Council: Dave Yellen, Secretary; Ron Abel,
President; Mr. Malson, Advisor; Stephen Cooper, Treasurer; Diane Fusco,

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