Page 71 - 1965 Green Wave_Yearbook_Neat_Share
P. 71

An open door invites Homecoming students.

Queen of the Homecoming, Gayle Blaisdell, receives honors
from Mr. Maggio, Student Council advisor; and Dick Lawn,

      Expectation mounts before the Homecoming

      Old friends meet a t the door —
      Fam iliar faces but changed personalities . . .
      G uitars tw ang . . . drum s beat . . . dancers lose

         themselves in the music.
      College talk mingles with local news.
      I t ’s great to be home a g a in !

                                                                                                      Need more be said ?

   Gayle Blaisdell, center, stands with her a t­
   tendants. 1. to r . : Joan Fornin, Joyce
   Zimmerman, Jeanne Mazzaceo, and Sue
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