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THE TRUMPET                                                                               Friday, June 12, 1964                                                                                  Page Three

                                         everything, but everything, fell to

                                         the sidewalk right on Fifth Ave-

                                         nue in New York. I ie1t like cry-

                                         ing, but all that freshman Funzie                                                                                                                       Helaine Witkintl-Exeels in drama,
                                         Lisanti kept saying \VaS. "Don't                                                                                                                           journalism, forensics, varsity
                                                                                                                                                                                                    shovellng .. _
                                         cry Donna, I don't know \!\that I'll
                                         do if you start to cry.'1 Somehow                                                                                                                       Lenny Cohcu-"Lenny, please, we
                                         we both m-anaged to laugh after

                                         everything \Vas picked up.                                                                                                                                 don't care how the .4-sbury Park
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Press does it, we'd rather do it
                                         No one would laugh if he were                                                                                                                              ourselves!"

                                         Lorraine Sorrentino. She had to                                                                                                                         Aurora Rini-Every time it rains,
                                                                                                                                                                                                    it rains ''Fizzles" from heaven.
by Helen Rankin                          write every theorem in the geo-
Donna Thompson                           metry book after .asking her daily                                                                                                                      Robert «Fritz" Feinberg-If at first
                                         question one day too many. Her                                                                                                                             you don't succeed, try, try, try,
                                                                                                                                                                                                    try, try again.
Hi there people:                         favorite plea used to be, "J\1r. Wil-
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Bill Busby-"'No, Bill, that striped
                                                   son, could you please exp-lain that?                                                                                                             shirt simply does not go 'i.Vith
   '\Vith school almost over, every- I just don't understand itl" We                                                                                                                                those checked pants!'
one's just jumping :for joy. But, bet she under.stands it now.
we guess ki\nne Shatkin isn't go-                                                                                                                                                                Bnb Tomaini-Who's afraid of- the
                                                                                                                                                                                                    big, bad 'NOif?
ing to be jumping too high, for a
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Chris 1''oltis-":l\1agnificent shot,
"vhile at least. Poor Anne's phone                                                                                                                                                                  Chris, too bad you missed the
Seniors Makebill \Vas Jj)69.95!ll Guess she won't
be calling that special someone in
Belmar ior .some time. Cheer up,                                                                                                                                                                 Sheila I.ewis--The only living
                                                                                                                                                                                                    descendant -of the Rip Van
Final ChoicesA.nne, where there's a v;dil, there's                                                                                                                                                  Winkle E'an Club.

a \Vay. Maybe he'll let you call The following is a list of Seniors                                                                                                                              Hilary Schacter-"...boorish char~
him collect.                                                                                                                                                                                        acteristics learned in the Na-
                                         and tlH: schools they plan to attend                                                                                                                       tional Forest."

Terry ::Vle-rla, a classic nut, al- next fall:

most had herself a permanent Zane Abel, Central Missouri State

building pass \Vhen she got her Muriel r\lpern, U. of Bridgeport

hand stuck in the tru1npet hall Susan A..pplegate, U. of Oklahoma

pass. Better luck next time, Terry. .Jack A.zzaretto, Northeastern U.                                                                                                                            \Ve:ndy Kaplan--Certs ls a candy

Prom Proble1ns                           Jon Baker, Southern Illinois U.                                                                                                                            mint.
                                         Judy Balton, Penn State
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Dee Dee R.onea-Don't think of it
Have you ever been one of nine Robert Bassett, Monmouth c.ollege                                                                                                                                    as a beard, Dee Dee, try to think
                                                                                                                                                                                                   -0£ it as a conversation piece.
people squashed into a convertible? Vicki Bayly, Florida Southern
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Linda l\'Ierrill-"Don't sell your
Take it from me (Helen) don't try                                    College                                                                                                                       frying pan, Betty, t: ain't vvorth

it. Poor Lynn ;\lfaclV.Curray had her Roger Benedict, J\.lontclair State                                                                                                                            lt!"

neck stepped on several ti:n:ies Marilyn Berger, Berkeley

V\-"hen Ginger rBubbles) Blum threw Marilyn Birchall, Temple t:.

her to the floor every time we'd Robert Blank, Rutgers College

pass a polieen,u1n. Only three peo- Vjrginia Blum, l\!Iontclalr State                     Tina Edell, Emerson College                                     Senior Superlatives
ple are allowed in the front seat, Robin Breitkoff, Cazenavia Jr.                         Nancy Eleriberger, Bucknell U.

and \.Vell, Lynn \.vas number four.                                  College Richard Enge1:'1ardt, Rutgers

Looks like you'll have to wear a William Bry, State U. of Ne\.v York                               College J\.:Tost Popular.-                                                                    ............ J)ee Dee Ronca, Toby Sklar

turtle-neck formal to the Senior         Audrey Bulfer, Alexandria Hos~                   James Errigo, Monmouth College                   Best Looking           -- . -········-·.              ---..·- Joanne Feniell-0, Tommy Scott
Prom to hide all those black and                        pltal School of Nursing           James Esposito, Trent-On State                   Best },JI Around                                      Au;l'ora Rini, Nir-.k Camarano
blue 1narks, Lynn.                                                                        Robert Feinberg, I·Iarvard College
                                         Bill Busby, l:'psala College                     Joanne Feniello, Upsala College                  Best Dressed                           ..:...-........ Barbara Fragale, Nick Delmore
   Speaking of proms, quite a lot        Richard Calctw·ell, Han1pton Insti-              Bill Finger, Oberlin College
happened after the Junior Pron1.                                                          Chris Foltis_. Upsala College                    Best Friend to Everyone . ---------·-·-.. Cheryl Howland, Jllnmy Esposito
i\fter changing into her bathing                                                    tute  Barbara Forlenza, XIonmouth
suit, Dick Lawn's date from Red          Nick Cammarano, Trenton State                                                                     lVIost School Spirit -·-- ______............. _-·-··-··'"·-··-···· Aurora Rini, Zane Abel
Bank left her clothes in Jack            '\Varren Carretta, l\1onmouth                                                            College
Rise'·s car. Somehow, she man~                                                            Donny Fragale, Seton Hall                        Best Musician                             ...........,..- ..... Anne Shatkin, Leslie Asch
aged to forget her things and \.vent                                             College  Bernice Freistat, .-\merican U.
home in her bathing suit. Next                                                            Gary Gerber, Rutgers College                     Best Actress, Actor                           .. Helaine Witkind, Hilary Schacter
morning, we found a mighty upset         Da,vn CarS\Vell, Stuart School of                Celia Gold, Paterson State
:Mrs. Rise and 11 pretty embat~                        Business Administration            Linda Gordon, Boston U.                          Brightest         --- ___............                 ""'""-·-- Jean Tepper. Dick Sherman
rassed Jack, when they both dls~                                                          Anthony Graziano, Stuart School
covered her clothes in the back          Glen Cavenaugh, Texas A & M                                                                       l\'.Tost Intellectual .......... ···---- .-..... Nancy Elenbe:rger, Robert Feinberg
seat of her -car,                        Francine Celli, Wilfred's Academy                           of Business Administration
                                         Carl Ceppalun, :Nlonmouth College                                                                 :VIost _Ambitious ..................                  Janet Perlman, Lenny Cohen
                Stuns Stan               Jamie Clifton, Paterson State                            (Con-tinned on page 6)
                                         Lenny Cohen, U. of Pennsylvania                                                                   Did l\rlost for Class                     .... __ ,.........June \Vilson, Jilnrny Esp0sito
   Other pretty embarrassed kids         Claudia Connolly, U. of Bridgeport
                                         Robert Decesare, IVIonmouth                                                                       Wittiest                               ... ., ........... Helaine Witkind, Hilary Schacter

                                                                                 College                                                   Best A_thlete                                         Joyce l\-'loore, Kenny Short
                                         Nick Dellnore, Dickinson College
                                                                                                                                           1V1ost Accomn1odating .                               1\'Iary ...\nn Bova, Jack Azzaretto

                                                                                                                                           c:ass Optimist -                          --·- .. B-ernice fl~riestat, Ritchie Caldwell
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Donna ~Ill!er, Joe Valenti
                                                                                                                                           Class P·2ss:mist -------

                                                                                                                                           Most Llkely to Succeed                    .............. Gall Halpern, Gary Gerber

                                                                                                                                           Best Artist                               ............ June '\Vilson, Jimmy lVIaccioli

                                                                                                                                           Shyest..                  ..,_.,., ... _,_........_.  Susan Pinsky, Kenny Short

                                                                                                                                           Best Dancers .                         ---· .., ----... Sheila Lewis, Jimmy Renzo

                                                                                                                                           Cutest Couple --··--                      :Vfii.ry A.nn Bova and Nick Cammarano

-cJ-JfJfB @ar;I': o./;.£/.l/ /Jqh . /J ~~~~nt;~i~i~:\~ft!;~o::'."~~~~~~~and Stan Lewis. In the wee hours

of the morning after the Prom,

4e; Can Y o uStan had opened his front door,
after the Prom vvere Le.':lley Welch

                                                C)~ w-                                     @       'll{j,(E grass-stained shoes leading you

expecting t-0 admit a couple of
male friends, But, ir. hobbled Les.
ley, only to find a stunned Stanley

Imaginein his underwear. Before he

tuTned acrobat and did a double

forward roll into his bedrooni, Stan
remeinbers seeing a n1Jghty em-
barrassed Lestey making a not-too-
gracefnl exit.
                                            Seniors, the time has finally                 about 10 sizes too large. But you                   Soon the ceremony begins;                          Robert Feinberg at University of
                                         come. Ever since you were fresh-                 r€ally don't start to lose your spirit           you"re not aware of it hoj.vever                         lVIiami?
                                                                                          until you discover that the gor-                 because you can't hear a thing.
                                         men, you have dreamed of being                   geous hair~d-01 v.:hic11 cost $10.99,            Then, suddenly, the solemn strains                    Frank Peretti with a Beatle hair-
                                         a part of that beautiful ceremony                has been utterly crushed by your                 0£ our dear alma mater reach your                        cut·?
                                         called Graduation. Yes, it's only a                                                               eager ears. Everything ls hushed
                                         matter of hours, and your fondest                cap. To top it all off. the cap is               and solemn, until the :n-0st moving
                                         dream will become a reality, Lest                so small that you are forced to                  part is reached - and the 7:09
                                                                                          anchor it down "\Vith 17 unsightly               Express roars by..
                                         the lovely little ceremony does not              bobby pins to keep it fro1n popping
                                         cQ1ne u:p to your expeetations, let                  But there is no Now it is time for the diplomas! Nick Cammarano
                                                                                              The ceremony js The speaker finally reaches your Ann Bova?
   1\!y (Donna) face was pretty red      me prepare you in advance for off y-our head.                                                                                                           >.vithout  Mary
when my suitcase opened and              some .of the pitfalls. Let's l.ook time to despair.
                                                                                                                                           homeroom, but yoUJ.' name ls so
             DAY'S END                   ahead and see ~,,vhat graduation                 about to begin.                                  badly mispronounced, even you                         Aurora Rini frowning?
                                         night is going to be like.                                                                        C.on't r;;:cognize it It really doesn't               Bill Finger winning a Chinese
It is the last of another day                                                                          Sing Alma Mater                     matter, for you look down to find
   tb.c same, :;Yet different.                     Crushing Experience                                                                     that coveted little piece of paper                       checkers tournam,ent?
                                                                                             Now the slow- march gets under                in your .s\.veaty paw. It's a genu.
I am happy, I am afraid.                    It's 6:00 P.M., and your family,              ;.vay. Y-0u're having some difficulty            ine diploma, even if it isn't yours                   Nancy Elenberger f'aiUog English?
I don't 'know \Vhethcr to push the       friends, relatlves, and pet German               \.Villi your feet. You can't walk                and hasn't been signed.
                                         Shepherd pile lnto the family car.               in heels. Could lt be those sneak-                                                                     Hilaty Schacter carrying a book?
            clock ahead                  Poor Dad ls naturally a little on                ers you successfuIIy got away with                                Final 'frial
  or cling desperately to yes~erday.     edge because he just got a ticket                for the last t1.vo v.'eeks? The wet                 So ends Graduation, :rour Grad-                    Richie Pr!mo saying something?
To happily kiss he11o, or sadly          for speeding ho1ne fron1 work, and               grass doesn't help matters much                  uation, an experience that you'll                     Tina Edell without eyeliner?
                                         he hasn't had a bite to eat since                either. Besides, that clod behind                ::::ecall fondly for th€ rest of your                 Peggy McNeil with her tern1 paper
         wave good-bye.                  11:00 i~..t t:1e school, your              you is just champing at the bit                  life. And graduation does serve
To bear an ending, or face a beF         guests find their '-Vay to the rain-             and doing evt?rything in his po\ver              its purpose. If you can survive it,                      done?
                                         soaked bleachers, and you, dea:r                 to speed up the procession. Un~                  ;vou deserve to he out Of high
            ginning.                     graduate, join your class for tlie               fortunately_. 'he's galloping on your            seh-001.                                              Sheila Levvis \\dde awake?
lt is th-e last of another dav           last tin:ie, Now it is time to don               heels, In spite of everyLl-ting, you
                                         your cap and gown, \.Vhich is just               make a pretty picture marching                                                    -Judy Lasky          Dee Dee Ronca with a crew cut?
   when morning beoomes ~after­                                                                                                                                                                  ~Iary Anne Ruotolo \Vearing her
                                                                                                                                                                                                    o\vn gym suit?
                       -Helaine Witkind
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Cheryl Howland Whining the Na.
                                                                                                                                                                                                    tional Parallel Bars Cha1npion~
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