Page 9 - KOG Glory & Grace Issue 6 June 2022
P. 9
Liturgical art, like these seasonal paraments commissioned by KOG, are one way that we visually tell the story of God. Our gratitude to fabric artists Debbi Vicini and Judy Dioszegi.
Altar Attendants, like Adrienne Gibson, help 4th graders learn the art of baking communion bread as part of their Holy Communion Milestone in April.
Candles point us to Christ, the light of the world. Living flowers remind us that Christ is alive! Children urge us to keep telling the story so that all might know the freedom Christ gives.
Youth and their mentors spend time working on painting techniques with a little help from Bob Ross.
The KOG quilting group produces beautiful art to be given away to those in need. God's story of love goes out into the world! In May, quilts went to Tumbleweed, CLDI, Family Promise, and Friendship House.
"Tape resist" artwork, depicting Advent and Holy Week hangs in the Commons. Created by High School Youth in 2016.
of faith
of faith