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Our view

 Rail Europe Rail Pass, Italy

 It’s fairly well known that one of the best   While this was the best option for our
 ways to get around Europe is by rail.  itinerary, Rail Europe offers a number of
 The continent is highly connected by   passes, single or multi-country, so you will be
 train, allowing you to go between cities and   able to find the best rail pass for your trip.
 even countries with ease, and without the   Rail is a great way to travel, as you can sit
 hassle of getting to an airport early to fly, or   back and relax while getting from A to B, as
 learning how to drive on the other side of the  you take in the stunning scenery outside.
 road!  Plus, with a First class pass, you also
 On a recent trip to Italy, Travel & Cruise   receive a bite to eat and have a bit more
 Weekly had the chance to make the most of   space, making all the difference on a long
 the highly connected Italian rail system with   journey.
 a rail pass from Rail Europe.  Keep in mind that you will still need to
 For our month-long trip, the 5-day Flexi   make a seat reservation for most trains - this
 Eurail Italy Pass was the perfect option,   can be a little tricky to do online, but we
 allowing us to use five travel days throughout  found the staff at stations very helpful.
 the month as we travelled from Rome to   Visit your travel agent or www.raileurope.
 Venice, through Tuscany, and along the   com to find out which rail pass is best for
 Cinque Terre.    your trip, and make a booking.

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