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5. Seville                                                              9. San Juan,                                                                               12. Seoul                                                CITIES

          The architecture of the                                                 Puerto Rico                                                                                This city is the perfect mix of old versus new.
          Alcazar Palace is like                                                                                                                                             From wonderfully fresh commercial districts
          nothing I had ever seen                                                 I visited San Juan pre-                                                                    to cobblestone streets and old palaces,
          before, and strolling                                                   hurricane, but this city is                                                                you can't help but be swept up by the both
          the orange-lined                                                        full of beautiful Caribbean                                                                novel fun and seriousness of Seoul. During
          streets, snacking on                                                    soul, food and life. An                                                                    the day, explore the wonderful geography of
          fresh churros under the                                                 older Spanish colony, the                                                                  the city, heavily constructed on post-WW2
          Spanish sun makes for                                                   city is full of old castles,                                                               determination, and at night, let your hair down
          an amazing memory.                                                      forts and swept up by the                                                                  and do as the locals do: fried chicken, BBQ,
                                                                                  perfect Caribbean breeze.                                                                  beers with soju dropped in!
                                                                                  Downtown, you can eat

          6. Hoi An                                                               beautifully - fresh seafood
                                                                                  paired with sangria, and
                                                                                  you can dance the night                                                                    13. Boston
          A gorgeous walking city                                                 away at the many salsa
          full of coloured lanterns,                                              clubs. A hot tip for a                                                                     A great city with so much to offer! It is highly
          cobblestone streets,                                                    longer stay: travel out                                                                    walkable with the beautiful Boston Common
          markets, and coffees                                                    to the nearby island of                                                                    a relaxing and tranquil place to spend the
          - set on rivers full of                                                 Viequez - this island is                                                                   day. Lots of history - around American
          boats, lights & lanterns.                                               very remote and has it's                                                                   independence, and home to the famous Red
          The outskirts of the city                                               own bioluminescent bay to                                                                  Sox, as well as the bar from Cheers. Venture
          are full of rice paddies                                                swim in!                                                                                   further afield from the city to visit Harvard
          and water buffalo! The                                                                                                                                             University.
          perfect place to explore
          on a push bike or a
          vespa (dare you brave                                                   10. San                                                                                    14. Christchurch
          the Vietnamese traffic!)                                                Francisco                                                                                  Literally a city on the rebuild. This quaint

                                                                                                                                                                             South Island NZ city has a surging foodie
                                                                                  Reminds me of Sydney,                                                                      scene like few others in the region. Not even
          7. New York                                                             which is really the best                                                                   a devastating earthquake could keep this
                                                                                  city in the world. Eclectic
                                                                                  neighbourhoods. Lots of                                                                    unique destination down.
          Love the vibrancy, like                                                 areas to explore beyond
          no other city. Always                                                   the city centre.
          something to discover                                                                                                                                              15. Chicago
          no matter how many
          times you've visited.                                                                                                                                              This architecturally striking city does not
                                                                                  11. Dubai                                                                                  skimp on the culture, offering up beaches,

                                                                                                                                                                             history, and parks with its own unique, self-
                                                                                  If you like big things
          8. Nha Trang                                                            then you simply need                                                                       styled flavour.
                                                                                  Dubai in your life. Huge
          Like the Gold Coast but                                                 hotels, shopping centres,
          with culture. Golden                                                    museums, you name it.                                                                      16. Kyoto
          beaches, plenty of tasty                                                Bigger is better is clearly
          street food and hotels/                                                 the mantra here, which is                                                                  A city where driving a car will make you miss
          resorts galore. The                                                     also home to the tallest                                                                   out on all the hidden gems on the street; a
          shopping here is also                                                   building in the world, the                                                                 perfect city where the tourist attractions are
          pretty amazing.                                                         Burj Khalifa.                                                                              actually worth the visit.

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