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“ to take home. The Jameson to dangle yourself upside Clockwise
Caskmates Stout Edition is a
down over the gaping hole
from top:
must-try – the triple-distilled, in the floor to reach the
It’s believed blended Irish Whiskey with block of bluestone. Take a Castle is
home to
notes of cocoa beans and
stroll through the castle’s
that visitors butterscotch is sure to go surrounding gardens, where the famed
who kiss down a treat! you’ll see some of the largest Stone.
and rarest trees in Ireland
Castle and
the castle’s 4. Blarney as well as a ‘poison garden’, Gardens
which showcases some of the
famous Castle world’s deadliest plants! Kilmainham
Gaol ©Chris
Blarney Ireland has many 5. The Cliffs of Hil
The Cliffs of
Stone at magnificent castles, and Moher Moher
Blarney Castle is certainly
the top of one of the country’s most The Cliffs of Moher is a
enchanting. Located near the
the castle’s city of Cork in the country’s magical scene of nature
tower will Southern Region, the that should be on every
traveller’s itinerary. In fact,
landmark was built nearly
be bestowed six hundred years ago. It’s it was named the winner
of ‘Ireland’s Best Visitor
believed that visitors who
with ‘the gift kiss the castle’s famous Attraction’ in The Irish
of eloquence’ Blarney Stone at the top of Independent’s annual Reader
the castle’s tower will be
Travel Awards for 2023. The
” bestowed with ‘the gift of famous cliffs, which are the rugged West Clare coast, Gaol Museum, a former
entirely vertical, loom over
eloquence’ – but you’ll have
prison in Dublin. Since it
offering sensational views
over the Atlantic Ocean
its closure in 1924, the
and the Aran Islands. It has opened in 1796 up until
served as the backdrop for building has held thousands
several movies, including of people, ranging from
Harry Potter. Take your pick common criminals to
of viewing points – there’s political prisoners who
the Main Platform, which played a role in Ireland’s
looks out towards the fight for independence. You
impressive Hags Head in the can only access the gaol
south; the North Platform, by guided tour, which lasts
which is near the highest around one hour. There are
point of the cliffs and offers many fascinating items on
panoramic views; and the display, from a Victorian-
South Platform, a prime era Gandolfi camera used to
viewing spot for the puffin capture prisoner mugshots,
colony on Goat Island, and to a prison register showing
many other seabirds. the crimes for which men,
6. Kilmainham women and children were
imprisoned. You can even see
Gaol the last letters and personal
belongings of the 14 leaders
of the Easter Rising, who
Embark on a thrilling were executed at prison in
journey through Ireland’s May 1916, in the ‘Last Words’
history at the Kilmainham section.
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