Page 52 - May Catlog
P. 52
Air Rifle/ BB Gun Targets
TQ-36 - 50 Foot Range Target- Official NRA Target TQ-5/1 - Air Rifle (BB Gun) Target - 25 Foot Range
(Pack of 100) Official NRA Target (Pack of 100)
$7.49 $7.49
TQ-18 - Air Rifle (BB Gun) Target - 10 Meter Range AR-6 - 10 Meter UIT Air Rifle Three Bulleie Official
Official NRA Target (Pack of 100) NRA Target
$7.49 50 010315844695 $3.99
400 010315839462 $7.49
TQ-40 - Air Rifle (BB Gun) Target - 5 Meter Range A-44/5 - 15 Foot Air Rifle Five Bulleie Official NRA
Official NRA Target- (Pack of 100) Target
$7.49 50-2 010315844701 $4.49
400-2 010315839448 $7.99
52 8rices subject to change without notice